--- title: clip slug: Web/CSS/clip translation_of: Web/CSS/clip ---
這個 clip
CSS 屬性用來定義元素的哪一個部分是可見的. clip
屬性只能被賦予在絕對位置的元素(element)上, 像是帶有這些的CSS屬性的元素 {{cssxref("position","position:absolute")}} or {{cssxref("position","position:fixed")}}.
警告: 這個屬性被遺棄了. 請改用 {{cssxref("clip-path")}} .
/* Keyword value */ clip: auto; /* <shape> values */ clip: rect(1px 10em 3rem 2ch); clip: rect(1px, 10em, 3rem, 2ch); /* Global values */ clip: inherit; clip: initial; clip: unset;
rect(<top>, <right>, <bottom>, <left>)
or of the form rect(<top> <right> <bottom> <left>)
(which is a more backwards compatible syntax) <top>
and <bottom>
specify offsets from the inside top border edge of the box, and <right>
, and <left>
specify offsets from the inside left border edge of the box — that is, the extent of the padding box.<top>
, <right>
, <bottom>
, and <left>
may either have a {{cssxref("<length>")}} value or auto
. If any side's value is auto
, the element is clipped to that side's inside border edge.auto
rect(auto, auto, auto, auto)
, which does clip to the inside border edges of the element..dotted-border { border: dotted; position: relative; width: 536px; height: 350px; } #top-left, #middle, #bottom-right { position: absolute; top: 0px; } #top-left { left: 360px; clip: rect(0px, 175px, 113px, 0px); } #middle { left: 280px; clip: rect(119px, 255px, 229px, 80px); /* standard syntax, unsupported by Internet Explorer 4-7 */ } #bottom-right { left: 200px; clip: rect(235px 335px 345px 160px); /* non-standard syntax, but supported by all major browsers*/ }
<p class="dotted-border"> <img src="https://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/3613/=hut.jpg" title="Original Graphic" /> <img id="top-left" src="https://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/3613/=hut.jpg" title="Graphic clipped to upper left"> <img id="middle" src="https://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/3613/=hut.jpg" title="Graphic clipped towards middle"> <img id="bottom-right" src="https://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/3613/=hut.jpg" title="Graphic clipped to bottom right"> </p>
{{EmbedLiveSample('Examples', '689px', '410px')}}
Specification | Status | Comment |
{{SpecName('CSS Masks', '#clip-property', 'clip')}} | {{Spec2('CSS Masks')}} | Deprecates clip property, suggests {{cssxref("clip-path")}} as replacement. |
{{SpecName('CSS3 Transitions', '#animatable-css', 'clip')}} | {{Spec2('CSS3 Transitions')}} | Defines clip as animatable. |
{{SpecName('CSS2.1', 'visufx.html#clipping', 'clip')}} | {{Spec2('CSS2.1')}} | Initial definition |