title: HTML 參考
slug: Web/HTML/Reference
translation_of: Web/HTML/Reference
這裡的 HTML 參考描述了所有 HTML 的元素(elements)與屬性(attributes),包括為所有元素接受的全域屬性(global attributes)。
- HTML 元素指引
- 本頁列出了所有 HTML elements
- HTML 屬性指引
- HTML 中的元素具有屬性 ; 而這些屬性可以藉由各種方式去設定元素或調整它們的行為,以符合使用者的期待。
- 全域屬性
- Global attributes may be specified on all HTML elements, even those not specified in the standard. That means that any non-standard elements must still permit these attributes, even though using those elements means that the document is no longer HTML5-compliant. For example, HTML5-compliant browsers hide content marked as <foo hidden>...<foo>, even though <foo> is not a valid HTML element.
- 連結類型
- In HTML, the following link types indicate the relationship between two documents, in which one links to the other using an <a>, <area>, or <link> element.