title: HTTP
slug: Web/HTTP
- NeedsTranslation
translation_of: Web/HTTP
超文本傳輸協定 (HTTP) 是一種用來傳輸超媒體文件 (像是HTML文件) 的應用層協定,被設計來讓瀏覽器和伺服器進行溝通,但也可做其他用途。HTTP 遵循標準客戶端—伺服器模式,由客戶端連線以發送請求,然後等待接收回應。HTTP 是一種無狀態協定,意思是伺服器不會保存任兩個請求間的任何資料 (狀態)。儘管作為 TCP/IP 的應用層,HTTP 亦可應用於其他可靠的傳輸層 (例如 UDP),只要不會無聲無息地遺失訊息即可。
- HTTP的概觀
- 基本特性:它能做什麼與它的用途
- HTTP Cache
- Cache對網站速度很重要。 此文章描敘不同的方法使用HTTP Header控制它。
- HTTP Cookies
- RFC 6265 定義了cookies的工作方式,當HTTP請求一個服務時,一個伺服器可以發送一個
的HTTP header回應。客戶端將以header的方式回傳cookie值給每個請求的同 一個伺服器,Cookie也會在某些時間進行更新,或是限制一個實體網域或路徑。
- HTTP Access Control (CORS)
- Cross-site HTTP requests 是來自不同網域的資源請求。舉個例子,一個HTML網頁從網域A (
) 從網域B(http://domainb.foo/image.jpg
- HTTP的演化
- HTTP早期版本變化的簡要說明,到現在的HTTP/2與其他版本。
- 網頁安全方針
- 一些技巧幫助運作團隊開發安全的網頁。
- HTTP 訊息
- 描述HTTP/1與HTTP/2不同類別與結構。
- 一個典型HTTP對話
- 顯示並解釋HTTP的通常對話流程。
- HTTP/1.x的連接管理
- 描述在HTTP/1.x中可用的三種連接管理。
- HTTP Headers
- HTTP message headers are used to describe a resource, or the behavior of the server or the client. Custom proprietary headers can be added using the
prefix; others in an IANA registry, whose original content was defined in RFC 4229. IANA also maintains a registry of proposed new HTTP message headers.
- HTTP 請求方法
- 透過 HTTP 有幾種不同操作方法:{{HTTPMethod("GET")}}, {{HTTPMethod("POST")}}, and also less common requests like {{HTTPMethod("OPTIONS")}}, {{HTTPMethod("DELETE")}}, or {{HTTPMethod("TRACE")}}.
- HTTP 狀態回應碼
- HTTP response codes indicate whether a specific HTTP request has been successfully completed. Responses are grouped in five classes: informational responses, successful responses, redirections, client errors, and servers errors.
- CSP directives
- The {{HTTPHeader("Content-Security-Policy")}} response header fields allows web site administrators to control resources the user agent is allowed to load for a given page. With a few exceptions, policies mostly involve specifying server origins and script endpoints.
Helpful tools and resources for understanding and debugging HTTP.
- Firefox Developer Tools
- Network monitor
- Mozilla Observatory
A project designed to help developers, system administrators, and security professionals configure their sites safely and securely.
- RedBot
- Tools to check your cache-related headers
- How Browsers Work
- A very comprehensive article on browser internals and request flow through HTTP protocol. A MUST-READ for any web developer.