# vim-lsp-settings

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Auto configurations for Language Server for [vim-lsp](https://github.com/prabirshrestha/vim-lsp)

## Introduction

Language Servers is not easily to install. Visual Studio Code provide easy way to install/update Language Server and Language Server Client. This plugin provide same feature on Vim.

## Installation instruction

For [vim-plug](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug) plugin manager:

Plug 'prabirshrestha/async.vim'
Plug 'prabirshrestha/vim-lsp'
Plug 'mattn/vim-lsp-settings'

You need to install both [vim-lsp](https://github.com/prabirshrestha/vim-lsp) and its accompanying plugins and vim-lsp-settings.

If you want to use autocompletion plugin, you can use followings.

#### asyncomplete.vim
Plug 'prabirshrestha/asyncomplete.vim'
Plug 'prabirshrestha/asyncomplete-lsp.vim'

#### deoplete.nvim
Plug 'Shougo/deoplete.nvim'
Plug 'lighttiger2505/deoplete-vim-lsp'

### Notice

If you use plugin manager that is merging  plugins (ex. dein), Please setting stop merging work(ex. dein / merged = 0) or set `g:lsp_settings_servers_dir` option to a different directory from the vim-lsp's default.


Servers are installed in `./servers` directory at the caching area in default.
But when rebuild the cache, any merging plugin manager erases old cached files(include `./servers` and server execute files) before install.
You can change the directory to install servers by set `g:lsp_settings_servers_dir` option in full path.

## Usage
While editing a file with a supported filetype:


Currently, no way to uninstall/update server. Run this command again, newer version will be installed.

## Supported Languages

| Language         | Language Server                                        | Local Install |
| C/C++            | clangd                                                 | Yes           |
| C#               | omnisharp                                              | Yes           |
| Clojure          | clojure-lsp                                            | Yes           |
| TypeScript       | typescript-language-server                             | Yes           |
| JavaScript       | typescript-language-server                             | Yes           |
| JavaScript       | javascript-typescript-stdio                            | Yes           |
| Python           | pyls                                                   | Yes           |
| Python           | pyls-ms (Microsoft Version)                            | Yes           |
| Rust             | rls                                                    | No            |
| Go               | gopls                                                  | Yes           |
| Ruby             | solargraph                                             | Yes           |
| PHP              | intelephense                                           | Yes           |
| Java             | eclipse-jdt-ls                                         | Yes           |
| Lua              | emmylua-ls                                             | Yes           |
| Vim              | vim-language-server                                    | Yes           |
| Bash             | bash-language-server                                   | Yes           |
| Terraform        | terraform-lsp                                          | Yes           |
| Dockerfile       | dockerfile-language-server-nodejs                      | Yes           |
| YAML             | yaml-language-server                                   | Yes           |
| XML              | lsp4xml                                                | Yes           |
| Fortran          | fortls                                                 | Yes           |
| Scala            | Metals                                                 | Yes           |
| Elm              | elm-language-server                                    | Yes           |
| JSON             | json-languageserver                                    | Yes           |
| Swift            | sourcekit-lsp                                          | No            |
| COBOL            | cobol-language-support                                 | Yes           |
| Reason           | reason-language-server                                 | Yes           |
| TeX              | texlab                                                 | Yes           |
| TeX              | digestif                                               | No            |
| Nim              | nimls                                                  | No            |
| D                | dls                                                    | No            |
| Elixir           | elixir-ls                                              | Yes           |
| Groovy           | groovy-language-server                                 | Yes           |
| Dart             | analysis-server-dart-snapshot                          | Yes           |
| Erlang           | erlang-ls                                              | Yes           |
| F#               | fsharp-language-server                                 | Yes           |
| GraphQL          | gql-language-server                                    | Yes           |
| Vue              | vue-language-server                                    | Yes           |
| SQL              | sql-language-server                                    | Yes           |
| Lisp             | cl-lsp                                                 | No            |
| Kotlin           | kotlin-language-server                                 | Yes           |
| R                | languageserver                                         | No            |
| SystemVerilog    | svls                                                   | Yes           |
| Apex/VisualForce | apex-jorje-lsp                                         | Yes           |
| *                | efm-langserver                                         | Yes           |

## Notes

### clangd (C/C++)

There is a Linux OS/version that does not run locally installed clangd due to zlib version mismatch. If you want to use clangd, please install clangd on your system.

### rls (Rust)

If you install rls already, you can use rls without configurations. But if you not installed rls yet, you can install it by following [this instruction](https://github.com/rust-lang/rls#setup).

### gql-language-server (GraphQL)

To use gql-language-server, `.gqlconfig` have to be located on the top of project directory. And schema must be pointed to the schema file correctly.

  schema: {
    files: 'path/to/schema.graphql'

Finally, you have to install `@playlyfe/gql` into your project.

$ npm install @playlyfe/gql --save-dev

## Configurations

Most of configurations are not required.

If you install clangd already, you can use clangd for C/C++ without configurations. But if you install clang with named clangd-6.0, you can replace executable like below:

let g:lsp_settings = {
\  'clangd': {'cmd': ['clangd-6.0']}

Overridable keys are:

* cmd (List ex: `['clangd-6.0', '-enable-snippets']`)
* initialization_options (Dictionary)
* whitelist (List)
* blacklist (List)
* config (Dictionary)
* workspace_config (Dictionary)

If you install ruby but not solargraph, you can install solargraph with following command.

If you have some Language Servers and want to use specified the server:

let g:lsp_settings_perl = 'slp'

If you want to disable Language Server:

let g:lsp_settings = {
\  'perl-languageserver': {
\    'disabled': 1,
\   }

## License


## Author

Yasuhiro Matsumoto (a.k.a. mattn)