Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Disable folding when filetype is markdown.Nao Ueda2020-03-23
* Remove some syntax plugin.Nao Ueda2020-03-22
* Add sonictemplate plugin.Nao Ueda2020-03-21
* Remove the setting for css-langserver.Nao Ueda2020-03-15
* Enable efm-langserverNaoaki Ueda2020-03-11
* Change github usernameNao Ueda2020-03-11
* Add fugitive-backlog.Nao Ueda2020-03-08
* Change some plugin's posion where to load.Nao Ueda2020-03-01
* Change indent detection plugin.Nao Ueda2020-03-01
* Change the plugins for snippet.Nao Ueda2020-03-01
* Fix showing branch setting.Nao Ueda2020-02-18
* Change gina to fugitiveNaoaki Ueda2020-02-17
* Fix vimrc and Gina settings.Naoaki Ueda2020-02-17
* Add Gina browse translate pattern.Naoaki Ueda2020-02-17
* Remove the nmap.Naoaki Ueda2020-02-17
* Change pulugin for git from fugitive to gina.Nao Ueda2020-02-17
* Change vim-lsp setting.Nao Ueda2020-02-16
* Add redrawtimeNaoaki Ueda2020-02-12
* Remove the setting for jsx filetype.Naoaki Ueda2020-02-12
* Add lsp setting for scss.Nao Ueda2020-02-11
* Disable some plugins.Nao Ueda2020-02-11
* Revert "(experimental) Remove the swap file setting."Nao Ueda2020-02-08
* If no python3 then disable ultisnips.Nao Ueda2020-02-03
* Don't use ale in php files.Nao Ueda2020-02-03
* Add "fern.vim" plugin (as disabled).Nao Ueda2020-02-02
* Disable asyncomplete-omni plugin.Nao Ueda2020-02-02
* Don't use ale in javascript files.Nao Ueda2020-02-02
* Remove commentary plugin.Nao Ueda2020-01-29
* Change lightline theme to 'nord'.Nao Ueda2020-01-29
* Remove unnecessary plugins.Nao Ueda2020-01-29
* (experimental) Remove the swap file setting.Nao Ueda2020-01-28
* initial commitNao Ueda2020-01-28