# Copy this file and edit for your environment and save as `.env.makefile` PHP_VER := 8.1 export MARIADB_VER := 10.3 export WP_IMAGE_TAG := php$(PHP_VER)-apache export WP_CLI_IMAGE_TAG := cli-php$(PHP_VER) # HTML_DIR := html/www # WP_INSTALL_DIR := wp # WP_CONF := $(HTML_DIR)/$(WP_INSTALL_DIR)/wp-config.php # To change host directory to manage wp # export WP_LOCAL_ROOT := ./$(HTML_DIR) # DOCKER = PODMAN SSH_REMOTE_HOST := example.com SITE_URL_PATTERN := https?://(www.)?example.com LOCAL_URL := http://localhost:8000 REMOTE_DOCROOT_PATH := /home/example.com/html LOCAL_DOCROOT := /var/www/html/ # CLONE_EXCLUDE= # To use misc # include misc/disable-really-simple-ssl.makefile