diff options
authorChris Evich <cevich@redhat.com>2021-04-08 08:55:56 -0400
committerChris Evich <cevich@redhat.com>2021-04-12 10:19:51 -0400
commit0e83851f080f67a7008f43136e46195a0a658819 (patch)
parent5a703bbf7a73ef4ab3ee99db885c206abf773a49 (diff)
Simplify Makefile help target
An in-line Python script, while flexible, is arguably more complex and less stable than the long-lived `grep`, `awk`, and `printf`. Make use of these simple tools to display a column-aligned table of target and description help output. Also, the first target that appears in a Makefile is considered the default (when no target is specified on the command-line). However, despite it's name, the `default` target was not listed first. Fix this, and redefine "default" target to "all" as intended, instead of "help". Lastly, add a small workaround for a vim syntax-hilighting bug. Signed-off-by: Chris Evich <cevich@redhat.com>
2 files changed, 31 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 0511a17f2..0cbe7eb09 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -118,38 +118,29 @@ CROSS_BUILD_TARGETS := \
bin/podman.cross.linux.mips64 \
+.PHONY: default
+default: all
.PHONY: all
all: binaries docs
-.PHONY: default
-default: help
-import re, sys
-print("Usage: make <target>")
-cmds = {}
-for line in sys.stdin:
- match = re.match(r'^([a-zA-Z_-]+):.*?## (.*)$$', line)
- if match:
- target, help = match.groups()
- cmds.update({target: help})
-for cmd in sorted(cmds):
- print(" * '%s' - %s" % (cmd, cmds[cmd]))
# Dereference variable $(1), return value if non-empty, otherwise raise an error.
err_if_empty = $(if $(strip $($(1))),$(strip $($(1))),$(error Required variable $(1) value is undefined, whitespace, or empty))
+# Extract text following double-# for targets, as their description for
+# the `help` target. Otherwise These simple-substitutions are resolved
+# at reference-time (due to `=` and not `=:`).
+_HLP_TGTS_RX = '^[[:print:]]+:.*?\#\# .*$$'
+_HLP_TGTS_LEN = $(shell $(_HLP_TGTS_CMD) | cut -d : -f 1 | wc -L)
+_HLPFMT = "%-$(_HLP_TGTS_LEN)s %s\n"
.PHONY: help
-ifneq (, ${PYTHON})
- $(error python required for 'make help', executable not found)
+help: ## (Default) Print listing of key targets with their descriptions
+ @printf $(_HLPFMT) "Target:" "Description:"
+ @printf $(_HLPFMT) "--------------" "--------------------"
+ @$(_HLP_TGTS_CMD) | sort | \
+ awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":(.*)?## "}; \
+ {printf $(_HLPFMT), $$1, $$2}'
ifeq ("$(wildcard $(GOPKGDIR))","")
@@ -469,6 +460,8 @@ changelog: ## Generate changelog
$(shell cat $(TMPFILE) >> changelog.txt)
$(shell rm $(TMPFILE))
+# Workaround vim syntax highlighting bug: "
.PHONY: install
install: .gopathok install.bin install.remote install.man install.cni install.systemd ## Install binaries to system locations
diff --git a/hack/get_release_info.sh b/hack/get_release_info.sh
index 40c473246..b3e208ac9 100755
--- a/hack/get_release_info.sh
+++ b/hack/get_release_info.sh
@@ -14,12 +14,20 @@ valid_args() {
cut -d '*' -f 1
-# `git describe` does not reliably produce a useful version number.
+# `git describe` will never produce a useful version number under all
+# branches. This is because the podman release process (see `RELEASE_PROCESS.md`)
+# tags release versions only on release-branches (i.e. never on master).
+# Scraping the version number directly from the source, is the only way
+# to reliably obtain the number from all the various contexts supported by
+# the `Makefile`.
scrape_version() {
- local versionfile='version/version.go'
- local version_line=$(grep -m 1 'var Version =' $versionfile)
- local version_string=$(cut -d '"' -f 2 <<<"$version_line")
- echo "$version_string" | tr -d '[:space:]'
+ local v
+ # extract the value of 'var Version'
+ v=$(sed -ne 's/^var\s\+Version\s\+=\s.*("\(.*\)").*/\1/p' <version/version.go)
+ # If it's empty, something has changed in version.go, that would be bad!
+ test -n "$v"
+ # Value consumed literally, must not have any embedded newlines
+ echo -n "$v"
unset OUTPUT