path: root/Makefile
diff options
authorChris Evich <cevich@redhat.com>2021-04-08 14:30:40 -0400
committerChris Evich <cevich@redhat.com>2021-04-12 10:21:28 -0400
commitb6b0b6e8bd0f8c75fe9411f722a43f9305c6137a (patch)
treefea2024764c18861d58f9d6f6707ec8b2a8d8368 /Makefile
parenta4686883b7c2b8388c8eb4efdf320f12064b4bc7 (diff)
Overhaul Makefile binary and release worflows
* Incorporate changes from abandoned #9918: Use dedicated `bin` sub-directories for `windows` and `darwin` when building `podman-remote`. The linux flavor remains under `bin` as before. * Fix MacOS Documentation-generation for release-packaging. The `install-podman-remote-%-docs` target requires local execution of `podman-remote`, but it was assuming GOOS=linux. Fix this by dynamically discovering the local OS/architecture type while still permitting cross-building of MacOS binaries under Linux. * Unify temporary directory/file behavior to use a common template. In case of left-over temporary items left in the repository, update the `clean` target accordingly to remove them. * Fix broken podman-remote-static and MacOS release archive targets mismatching the `podman-remote-%` target. Disambiguate this target for all platforms by spelling each out in full, instead of using a wild-card recipe. * Fix Windows-installer target to properly recognize existing output files and not constantly rebuild every time. * Include the podman version number in the Windows-installer target in case a user downloads multiple releases. * Include a subdirectory containing the podman version number for both `tar.gz` and `zip` targets. This prevents users clobbering existing directories when un-archiving from releases. Signed-off-by: Chris Evich <cevich@redhat.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'Makefile')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 896013b77..01d25a856 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -147,6 +147,23 @@ CROSS_BUILD_TARGETS := \
# Dereference variable $(1), return value if non-empty, otherwise raise an error.
err_if_empty = $(if $(strip $($(1))),$(strip $($(1))),$(error Required variable $(1) value is undefined, whitespace, or empty))
+# Podman does not work w/o CGO_ENABLED, except in some very specific cases
+# Default to the native OS type and archetecture unless otherwise specified
+GOOS ?= $(shell $(GO) env GOOS)
+ifeq ($(call err_if_empty,GOOS),windows)
+BINSFX := .exe
+SRCBINDIR := bin/windows
+else ifeq ($(GOOS),darwin)
+SRCBINDIR := bin/darwin
+BINSFX := -remote
+# Necessary for nested-$(MAKE) calls and docs/remote-docs.sh
define go-get
env GO111MODULE=off \
$(GO) get -u ${1}
@@ -163,7 +180,7 @@ default: all
all: binaries docs
.PHONY: binaries
-binaries: podman podman-remote ## Build podman
+binaries: podman podman-remote ## Build podman and podman-remote binaries
# Extract text following double-# for targets, as their description for
# the `help` target. Otherwise These simple-substitutions are resolved
@@ -272,7 +289,8 @@ ifeq (,$(findstring systemd,$(BUILDTAGS)))
Install libsystemd on Ubuntu or systemd-devel on rpm based \
distro for journald support."
- $(GO) build \
+ $(GO) build \
-gcflags '$(GCFLAGS)' \
-asmflags '$(ASMFLAGS)' \
@@ -280,23 +298,62 @@ endif
-tags "$(BUILDTAGS)" \
-o $@ ./cmd/podman
-.PHONY: podman
-podman: bin/podman
+# Disambiguate Linux vs Darwin/Windows platform binaries under distinct "bin" dirs
+ mkdir -p $(SRCBINDIR)
-.PHONY: podman-remote
-podman-remote: bin/podman-remote
+$(SRCBINDIR)/podman$(BINSFX): $(SRCBINDIR) .gopathok $(SOURCES) go.mod go.sum
+ GOOS=$(GOOS) \
+ $(GO) build \
+ -gcflags '$(GCFLAGS)' \
+ -asmflags '$(ASMFLAGS)' \
+ -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN)' \
+ -tags "${REMOTETAGS}" \
+ -o $@ ./cmd/podman
-bin/podman-remote: .gopathok $(SOURCES) go.mod go.sum ## Build with podman on remote environment
- $(GO) build $(BUILDFLAGS) -gcflags '$(GCFLAGS)' -asmflags '$(ASMFLAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN)' -tags "${REMOTETAGS}" -o $@ ./cmd/podman
+$(SRCBINDIR)/podman-remote-static: $(SRCBINDIR) .gopathok $(SOURCES) go.mod go.sum
+ GOOS=$(GOOS) \
+ $(GO) build \
+ -gcflags '$(GCFLAGS)' \
+ -asmflags '$(ASMFLAGS)' \
+ -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN_STATIC)' \
+ -tags "${REMOTETAGS}" \
+ -o $@ ./cmd/podman
-.PHONY: bin/podman-remote-static
-podman-remote-static: bin/podman-remote-static
- CGO_ENABLED=0 $(GO) build $(BUILDFLAGS) -gcflags '$(GCFLAGS)' -asmflags '$(ASMFLAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN_STATIC)' -tags "${REMOTETAGS}" -o bin/podman-remote-static ./cmd/podman
+.PHONY: podman
+podman: bin/podman
-# Most-specific, first-match wins: must appear _after_ podman-remote-static
-podman-remote-%: .gopathok ## Build podman for a specific GOOS
- $(eval BINSFX := $(shell test "$*" != "windows" || echo ".exe"))
- CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$* $(GO) build $(BUILDFLAGS) -gcflags '$(GCFLAGS)' -asmflags '$(ASMFLAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN)' -tags "${REMOTETAGS}" -o bin/$@$(BINSFX) ./cmd/podman
+.PHONY: podman-remote
+podman-remote: $(SRCBINDIR) $(SRCBINDIR)/podman$(BINSFX) ## Build podman-remote binary
+# A wildcard podman-remote-% target incorrectly sets GOOS for release targets
+.PHONY: podman-remote-linux
+podman-remote-linux: ## Build podman-remote for Linux
+ $(MAKE) \
+ GOOS=linux \
+ bin/podman-remote
+PHONY: podman-remote-static
+podman-remote-static: $(SRCBINDIR)/podman-remote-static
+.PHONY: podman-remote-windows
+podman-remote-windows: ## Build podman-remote for Windows
+ $(MAKE) \
+ GOOS=windows \
+ bin/windows/podman.exe
+.PHONY: podman-remote-darwin
+podman-remote-darwin: ## Build podman-remote for MacOS
+ $(MAKE) \
+ GOOS=darwin \
+ bin/darwin/podman
### Secondary binary-build targets
@@ -304,15 +361,23 @@ podman-remote-%: .gopathok ## Build podman for a specific GOOS
.PHONY: generate-bindings
-ifneq ($(shell uname -s), Darwin)
+ifneq ($(GOOS),darwin)
GO111MODULE=off $(GO) generate ./pkg/bindings/... ;
+# DO NOT USE: use local-cross instead
bin/podman.cross.%: .gopathok
TARGET="$*"; \
- GOOS="$${TARGET%%.*}" \
- GOARCH="$${TARGET##*.}" \
- CGO_ENABLED=0 $(GO) build $(BUILDFLAGS) -gcflags '$(GCFLAGS)' -asmflags '$(ASMFLAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN)' -tags '$(BUILDTAGS_CROSS)' -o "$@" ./cmd/podman
+ GOOS="$${TARGET%%.*}"; \
+ GOARCH="$${TARGET##*.}"; \
+ $(GO) build \
+ -gcflags '$(GCFLAGS)' \
+ -asmflags '$(ASMFLAGS)' \
+ -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN)' \
+ -tags '$(BUILDTAGS_CROSS)' \
+ -o "$@" ./cmd/podman
.PHONY: local-cross
local-cross: $(CROSS_BUILD_TARGETS) ## Cross compile podman binary for multiple architectures
@@ -371,7 +436,9 @@ docdir:
.PHONY: docs
docs: $(MANPAGES) ## Generate documentation
-install-podman-remote-%-docs: podman-remote docs $(MANPAGES)
+# docs/remote-docs.sh requires a locally executable 'podman-remote' binary
+# in addition to the target-archetecture binary (if any).
+install-podman-remote-%-docs: podman-remote-$(shell env -i HOME=$$HOME PATH=$$PATH go env GOOS) docs $(MANPAGES)
rm -rf docs/build/remote
mkdir -p docs/build/remote
ln -sf $(CURDIR)/docs/source/markdown/links docs/build/man/
@@ -399,7 +466,7 @@ docker-docs: docs
.PHONY: changelog
changelog: ## Generate updated changelog.txt from git logs
@echo "Creating changelog from $(CHANGELOG_BASE) to $(CHANGELOG_TARGET)"
- $(eval TMPFILE := $(shell mktemp))
+ $(eval TMPFILE := $(shell mktemp podman_tmp_XXXX))
$(shell cat changelog.txt > $(TMPFILE))
$(shell echo "- Changelog for $(CHANGELOG_TARGET) ($(ISODATE)):" > changelog.txt)
$(shell git log --no-merges --format=" * %s" $(CHANGELOG_BASE)..$(CHANGELOG_TARGET) >> changelog.txt)
@@ -423,7 +490,7 @@ validate.completions:
.PHONY: run-docker-py-tests
- $(eval testLogs=$(shell mktemp))
+ $(eval testLogs=$(shell mktemp podman_tmp_XXXX))
./bin/podman run --rm --security-opt label=disable --privileged -v $(testLogs):/testLogs --net=host -e DOCKER_HOST=tcp://localhost:8080 $(DOCKERPY_IMAGE) sh -c "pytest $(DOCKERPY_TEST) "
.PHONY: localunit
@@ -480,7 +547,7 @@ remotesystem:
# podman server spews copious unhelpful output; ignore it.
if timeout -v 1 true; then \
- SOCK_FILE=$(shell mktemp --dry-run --tmpdir podman.XXXXXX);\
+ SOCK_FILE=$(shell mktemp --dry-run --tmpdir podman_tmp_XXXX);\
export PODMAN_SOCKET=unix:$$SOCK_FILE; \
./bin/podman system service --timeout=0 $$PODMAN_SOCKET > $(if $(PODMAN_SERVER_LOG),$(PODMAN_SERVER_LOG),/dev/null) 2>&1 & \
@@ -529,7 +596,7 @@ tests-included:
podman-release.tar.gz: binaries docs ## Build all binaries, docs., and installation tree, into a tarball.
- $(eval TMPDIR := $(shell mktemp -d -p '' podman_XXXX))
+ $(eval TMPDIR := $(shell mktemp -d podman_tmp_XXXX))
$(eval SUBDIR := podman-v$(RELEASE_NUMBER))
mkdir -p "$(TMPDIR)/$(SUBDIR)"
$(MAKE) install.bin install.man install.cni \
@@ -537,24 +604,25 @@ podman-release.tar.gz: binaries docs ## Build all binaries, docs., and installa
tar -czvf $@ --xattrs -C "$(TMPDIR)" "./$(SUBDIR)"
-rm -rf "$(TMPDIR)"
-# Must call make in-line: Dependency-spec. w/ wild-card.
- $(MAKE) podman-remote-$* install-podman-remote-$*-docs \
- RELEASE_BASENAME=$(shell hack/get_release_info.sh REMOTENAME) \
- $(eval TMPDIR := $(shell mktemp -d -p '' $podman_remote_XXXX))
- $(eval SUBDIR := podman-$(RELEASE_VERSION))
- $(eval BINSFX := $(shell test "$*" != "windows" || echo ".exe"))
+podman-remote-release-%.zip: podman-remote-% install-podman-remote-%-docs ## Build podman-remote for GOOS=%, docs., and installation zip.
+ $(eval TMPDIR := $(shell mktemp -d podman_tmp_XXXX))
+ $(eval SUBDIR := podman-$(RELEASE_NUMBER))
mkdir -p "$(TMPDIR)/$(SUBDIR)"
- cp ./bin/podman-remote-$*$(BINSFX) "$(TMPDIR)/$(SUBDIR)/podman$(BINSFX)"
+ $(MAKE) \
+ GOOS=$* \
+ install.remote-nobuild
cp -r ./docs/build/remote/$* "$(TMPDIR)/$(SUBDIR)/docs/"
cp ./contrib/remote/containers.conf "$(TMPDIR)/$(SUBDIR)/"
- cd "$(TMPDIR)/$(SUBDIR)" && \
+ cd "$(TMPDIR)" && \
zip --recurse-paths "$(CURDIR)/$@" "./"
-rm -rf "$(TMPDIR)"
.PHONY: podman.msi
-podman.msi: podman-remote podman-remote-windows install-podman-remote-windows-docs ## Will always rebuild exe as there is no podman-remote-windows.exe target to verify timestamp
+podman.msi: podman-v$(RELEASE_NUMBER).msi ## Build podman-remote, package for installation on Windows
+podman-v$(RELEASE_NUMBER).msi: podman-remote-windows install-podman-remote-windows-docs
$(eval DOCFILE := docs/build/remote/windows)
find $(DOCFILE) -print | \
wixl-heat --var var.ManSourceDir --component-group ManFiles \
@@ -593,8 +661,11 @@ install.catatonit:
.PHONY: install.remote-nobuild
install ${SELINUXOPT} -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
- install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 755 bin/podman-remote $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/podman-remote
- test -z "${SELINUXOPT}" || chcon --verbose --reference=$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/podman-remote bin/podman-remote
+ install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 755 $(SRCBINDIR)/podman$(BINSFX) \
+ test -z "${SELINUXOPT}" || \
+ chcon --verbose --reference=$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/podman-remote \
+ bin/podman-remote
.PHONY: install.remote
install.remote: podman-remote install.remote-nobuild
@@ -746,11 +817,13 @@ uninstall:
rm -f ${DESTDIR}${USERSYSTEMDDIR}/podman.service
.PHONY: clean
-clean: ## Clean artifacts
+clean: ## Clean all make artifacts
rm -rf \
.gopathok \
_output \
+ $(wildcard podman-*.msi) \
$(wildcard podman-remote*.zip) \
+ $(wildcard podman_tmp_*) \
$(wildcard podman*.tar.gz) \
bin \
build \