path: root/files/uk/web/api/windoweventhandlers/index.html
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authorRyan Johnson <rjohnson@mozilla.com>2021-04-29 16:16:42 -0700
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2021-04-29 16:16:42 -0700
commit95aca4b4d8fa62815d4bd412fff1a364f842814a (patch)
tree5e57661720fe9058d5c7db637e764800b50f9060 /files/uk/web/api/windoweventhandlers/index.html
parentee3b1c87e3c8e72ca130943eed260ad642246581 (diff)
remove retired locales (#699)
Diffstat (limited to 'files/uk/web/api/windoweventhandlers/index.html')
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-title: WindowEventHandlers
-slug: Web/API/WindowEventHandlers
- - API
- - Interface
- - Mixin
- - NeedsTranslation
- - Reference
- - TopicStub
- - WindowEventHandlers
-translation_of: Web/API/WindowEventHandlers
-<div>{{APIRef("HTML DOM")}}</div>
-<p>The <strong><code>WindowEventHandlers</code></strong> mixin describes the event handlers common to several interfaces like {{domxref("Window")}}, or {{domxref("HTMLBodyElement")}} and {{domxref("HTMLFrameSetElement")}}. Each of these interfaces can implement additional specific event handlers.</p>
-<div class="blockIndicator note">
-<p><strong>Note</strong>: <code>WindowEventHandlers</code> is a mixin and not an interface; you can't actually create an object of type <code>WindowEventHandlers</code>.</p>
-<h2 id="Properties">Properties</h2>
-<p><em>The events properties, of the form <code>onXYZ</code>, are defined on the {{domxref("WindowEventHandlers")}}, and implemented by {{domxref("Window")}}, and {{domxref("WorkerGlobalScope")}} for Web Workers.</em></p>
- <dt>{{domxref("WindowEventHandlers.onafterprint")}}</dt>
- <dd>Is an {{domxref("EventHandler")}} representing the code to be called when the {{event("afterprint")}} event is raised.</dd>
- <dt>{{domxref("WindowEventHandlers.onbeforeprint")}}</dt>
- <dd>Is an {{domxref("EventHandler")}} representing the code to be called when the {{event("beforeprint")}} event is raised.</dd>
- <dt>{{domxref("WindowEventHandlers.onbeforeunload")}}</dt>
- <dd>Is an {{domxref("EventHandler")}} representing the code to be called when the {{event("beforeunload")}} event is raised.</dd>
- <dt>{{domxref("WindowEventHandlers.onhashchange")}}</dt>
- <dd>Is an {{domxref("EventHandler")}} representing the code to be called when the {{event("hashchange")}} event is raised.</dd>
- <dt>{{domxref("WindowEventHandlers.onlanguagechange")}} {{experimental_inline}}</dt>
- <dd>Is an {{domxref("EventHandler")}} representing the code to be called when the {{event("languagechange")}} event is raised.</dd>
- <dt>{{domxref("WindowEventHandlers.onmessage")}}</dt>
- <dd>Is an {{domxref("EventHandler")}} representing the code to be called when the {{event("message")}} event is raised.</dd>
- <dt>{{domxref("WindowEventHandlers.onmessageerror")}}</dt>
- <dd>Is an {{domxref("EventHandler")}} representing the code to be called when the {{event("MessageError")}} event is raised.</dd>
- <dt>{{domxref("WindowEventHandlers.onoffline")}}</dt>
- <dd>Is an {{domxref("EventHandler")}} representing the code to be called when the {{event("offline")}} event is raised.</dd>
- <dt>{{domxref("WindowEventHandlers.ononline")}}</dt>
- <dd>Is an {{domxref("EventHandler")}} representing the code to be called when the {{event("online")}} event is raised.</dd>
- <dt>{{domxref("WindowEventHandlers.onpagehide")}}</dt>
- <dd>Is an {{domxref("EventHandler")}} representing the code to be called when the {{event("pagehide")}} event is raised.</dd>
- <dt>{{domxref("WindowEventHandlers.onpageshow")}}</dt>
- <dd>Is an {{domxref("EventHandler")}} representing the code to be called when the {{event("pageshow")}} event is raised.</dd>
- <dt>{{domxref("WindowEventHandlers.onpopstate")}}</dt>
- <dd>Is an {{domxref("EventHandler")}} representing the code to be called when the {{event("popstate")}} event is raised.</dd>
- <dt>{{domxref("WindowEventHandlers.onrejectionhandled")}}</dt>
- <dd>Is an {{domxref("EventHandler")}} representing the code to be called when the {{event("rejectionhandled")}} event is raised, indicating that a {{jsxref("Promise")}} was rejected and the rejection has been handled.</dd>
- <dt>{{domxref("WindowEventHandlers.onstorage")}}</dt>
- <dd>Is an {{domxref("EventHandler")}} representing the code to be called when the {{event("storage")}} event is raised.</dd>
- <dt>{{domxref("WindowEventHandlers.onunhandledrejection")}}</dt>
- <dd>Is an {{domxref("EventHandler")}} representing the code to be called when the {{event("unhandledrejection")}} event is raised, indicating that a {{jsxref("Promise")}} was rejected but the rejection was not handled.</dd>
- <dt>{{domxref("WindowEventHandlers.onunload")}}</dt>
- <dd>Is an {{domxref("EventHandler")}} representing the code to be called when the {{event("unload")}} event is raised.</dd>
-<h2 id="Methods">Methods</h2>
-<p><em>This interface defines no method.</em></p>
-<h2 id="Specifications">Specifications</h2>
-<table class="standard-table">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th scope="col">Specification</th>
- <th scope="col">Status</th>
- <th scope="col">Comment</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td>{{SpecName('HTML WHATWG', '#windoweventhandlers', 'WindowEventHandlers')}}</td>
- <td>{{Spec2('HTML WHATWG')}}</td>
- <td>No change since the latest snapshot, {{SpecName("HTML5.1")}}.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>{{SpecName('HTML5.1', '#windoweventhandlers', 'WindowEventHandlers')}}</td>
- <td>{{Spec2('HTML5.1')}}</td>
- <td>Snapshot of {{SpecName("HTML WHATWG")}}. Added <code>onlanguage</code> since the {{SpecName("HTML5 W3C")}} snapshot.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>{{SpecName("HTML5 W3C", "#windoweventhandlers", "WindowEventHandlers")}}</td>
- <td>{{Spec2('HTML5 W3C')}}</td>
- <td>Snapshot of {{SpecName("HTML WHATWG")}}. Creation of <code>WindowEventHandlers</code> (properties where on the target before it).</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
-<h2 id="Browser_compatibility">Browser compatibility</h2>
-<h2 id="See_also">See also</h2>
- <li>{{domxref("Window")}} and {{domxref("WorkerGlobalScope")}}</li>