path: root/files/es/archive/web/liveconnect
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-title: LiveConnect
-slug: Archive/Web/LiveConnect
- - AJAX
- - Guía_de_JavaScript_1.5
- - JavaScript
- - Referencia_de_JavaScript_1.5
- - Todas_las_Categorías
-translation_of: Archive/Web/LiveConnect/LiveConnect_Reference
-</p><p>This section documents the Java classes used for <a href="es/LiveConnect">LiveConnect</a>, along with their constructors and methods. These classes allow a Java object to access JavaScript code.
-</p><p><a href="es/Referencia_de_JavaScript_1.5/LiveConnect/JSException">JSException</a>
-<dl><dd> The public class <code>JSException</code> extends <code>RuntimeException</code>, and is thrown when JavaScript returns an error.
-<p><a href="es/Referencia_de_JavaScript_1.5/LiveConnect/JSObject">JSObject</a>
-<dl><dd> The public class <code>JSObject</code> extends <code>Object</code>. JavaScript objects are wrapped in an instance of the class <code>JSObject</code> and passed to Java, allowing Java to manipulate JavaScript objects.
-<div class="noinclude">
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-title: java
-slug: Archive/Web/LiveConnect/java
-translation_of: Archive/Web/LiveConnect_Reference/java
-<p><strong>Objeto Global</strong></p>
-<p>Un objeto de alto nivel utilizado para acceder a cualquier clase Java del paquete <code>java.*</code>.</p>
-<h3 id="Created_by" name="Created_by">Creado por</h3>
-<p>El objeto <code>java</code> es un objeto Javascript predefinido de alto nivel. Puedes acceder a él de forma automática sin utilizar un constructor o sin llamar a un método.</p>
-<h3 id="Descripci.C3.B3n" name="Descripci.C3.B3n">Descripción</h3>
-<p>El objeto <code>java</code> es un buen sinónimo de la propiedad <code>Packages.java</code>.</p>
-<h3 id="Ver_tambi.C3.A9n" name="Ver_tambi.C3.A9n">Ver también</h3>
-<p><a href="/es/Referencia_de_JavaScript_1.5/Objetos_globales#Paquetes" title="es/Referencia_de_JavaScript_1.5/Objetos_globales#Paquetes">Paquetes</a>, <a href="/es/Referencia_de_JavaScript_1.5/Objetos_globales#Paquetes:java" title="es/Referencia_de_JavaScript_1.5/Objetos_globales#Paquetes:java">Packages.java</a></p>
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-title: JavaArray
-slug: Archive/Web/LiveConnect/JavaArray
-translation_of: Archive/Web/LiveConnect_Reference/JavaArray
-<h3 id="Summary" name="Summary"> Summary </h3>
-<p><b>Core Object</b>
-</p><p>A wrapped Java array accessed from within JavaScript code is a member of the type <code>JavaArray</code>.
-<h3 id="Created_by" name="Created_by"> Created by </h3>
-<p>Any Java method which returns an array. In addition, you can create a <code>JavaArray</code> with an arbitrary data type using the <code>newInstance</code> method of the <code>Array</code> class:
-<pre class="eval">public static Object newInstance(Class componentType,
- int length)
- throws NegativeArraySizeException
-<h3 id="Description" name="Description"> Description </h3>
-<p>The <code>JavaArray</code> object is an instance of a Java array that is created in or passed to JavaScript. <code>JavaArray</code> is a wrapper for the instance; all references to the array instance are made through the <code>JavaArray</code>.
-</p><p>In JavaScript 1.4 and later, the <code>componentType</code> parameter is either a <code>JavaClass</code> object representing the type of the array or class object, such as one returned by <code>java.lang.Class.forName</code>. In JavaScript 1.3 and earlier, <code>componentType</code> must be a class object.
-</p><p>Use zero-based indexes to access the elements in a <code>JavaArray</code> object, just as you do to access elements in an array in Java. For example:
-<pre class="eval">var javaString = new java.lang.String("Hello world!");
-var byteArray = javaString.getBytes();
-byteArray[0] // returns 72
-byteArray[1] // returns 101
-<p>Any Java data brought into JavaScript is converted to JavaScript data types. When the <code>JavaArray</code> is passed back to Java, the array is unwrapped and can be used by Java code. See the <a href="es/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Guide">Core JavaScript 1.5 Guide</a> for more information about data type conversions.
-</p><p>In JavaScript 1.4 and later, the methods of <code>java.lang.Object</code> are inherited by <code>JavaArray</code>.
-<h3 id="Backward_compatibility" name="Backward_compatibility"> Backward compatibility </h3>
-<h4 id="JavaScript_1.3_and_earlier" name="JavaScript_1.3_and_earlier"> JavaScript 1.3 and earlier </h4>
-<p>The methods of <code>java.lang.Object</code> are not inherited by <code>JavaArray</code>. In addition, the <code>toString</code> method is inherited from the <code>Object</code> object and returns the following value:
-<pre class="eval">[object JavaArray]
-<p>You must specify a class object, such as one returned by <code>java.lang.Object.forName</code>, for the <code>componentType</code> parameter of <code>newInstance</code> when you use this method to create an array. You cannot use a <code>JavaClass</code> object for the <code>componentType</code> parameter.
-<h3 id="Properties" name="Properties"> Properties </h3>
-<p><a href="es/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Global_Objects/JavaArray/length">length</a>: The number of elements in the Java array represented by <code>JavaArray</code>.
-<h3 id="Methods" name="Methods"> Methods </h3>
-<p><a href="es/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Global_Objects/JavaArray/toString">toString</a>: In JavaScript 1.4, this method is overridden by the inherited method <code>java.lang.Object.toString</code>. in JavaScript 1.3 and earlier, this method returns a string identifying the object as a <code>JavaArray</code>.
-</p><p>In JavaScript 1.4 and later, <code>JavaArray</code> also inherits methods from the Java array superclass, <code>java.lang.Object</code>.
-<h3 id="Examples" name="Examples"> Examples </h3>
-<h4 id="Example:_Instantiating_a_JavaArray_in_JavaScript" name="Example:_Instantiating_a_JavaArray_in_JavaScript"> Example: Instantiating a <code>JavaArray</code> in JavaScript </h4>
-<p>In this example, the <code>JavaArray</code> <code>byteArray</code> is created by the <code>java.lang.String.getBytes</code> method, which returns an array.
-<pre class="eval">var javaString = new java.lang.String("Hello world!");
-var byteArray = javaString.getBytes();
-<h4 id="Example:_Instantiating_a_JavaArray_in_JavaScript_with_the_newInstance_method" name="Example:_Instantiating_a_JavaArray_in_JavaScript_with_the_newInstance_method"> Example: Instantiating a <code>JavaArray</code> in JavaScript with the <code>newInstance</code> method </h4>
-<p>In JavaScript 1.4, you can use a <code>JavaClass</code> object as the argument for the <code>newInstance</code> method which creates the array, as shown in the following code:
-<pre class="eval">var dogs = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(java.lang.String, 5);
-<p>In JavaScript 1.1, use a class object returned by <code>java.lang.Class.forName</code> as the argument for the newInstance method, as shown in the following code:
-<pre class="eval">var dataType = java.lang.Class.forName("java.lang.String");
-var dogs = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(dataType, 5);
-<div class="noinclude">
diff --git a/files/es/archive/web/liveconnect/javaclass/index.html b/files/es/archive/web/liveconnect/javaclass/index.html
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-title: JavaClass
-slug: Archive/Web/LiveConnect/JavaClass
- - páginas_a_traducir
-translation_of: Archive/Web/LiveConnect_Reference/JavaClass
-<h3 id="Resumen" name="Resumen">Resumen</h3>
-<p><strong>Objeto Global</strong></p>
-<p>Una referencia JavaScript de una clase Java.</p>
-<h3 id="Created_by" name="Created_by">Creado por</h3>
-<p>Una referencia del nombre de clase utilizada en el objeto <code>Packages</code>:</p>
-<pre class="eval">Packages.<em>JavaClass</em>
-<p><em>JavaClass</em> es el nombre completo de la clase Java. Los objetos LiveConnect <code>java</code>, <code>sun</code>, y <code>netscape</code> ofrecen accesos directos para los paquetes Java más utilizados, además de crear objetos <code>JavaClass</code>.</p>
-<h3 id="Descripci.C3.B3n" name="Descripci.C3.B3n">Descripción</h3>
-<p>Un objeto <code>JavaClass</code> es una referencia a una de las clases de un paquete Java, como <code>netscape.javascript.JSObject</code>. Un objeto <code>JavaPackage</code> es una referencia a un paquete Java, como <code>netscape.javascript</code>. En JavaScript, las jerarquías <code>JavaPackage</code> y <code>JavaClass</code> reflejan el paquete Java y la jeraquía de clases.</p>
-<p>Puedes pasar un objeto <code>JavaClass</code> a un método Java que requiera un argumento de tipo <code>java.lang.Class</code>.</p>
-<h3 id="Backward_compatibility" name="Backward_compatibility">Compatibilidad hacia atrás</h3>
-<h4 id="JavaScript_1.3_y_earlier" name="JavaScript_1.3_y_earlier">JavaScript 1.3 y anteriores</h4>
-<p>Debes crear un contenedor y meter dentro una instancia de <code>java.lang.Class</code> antes de pasarlo como parámetro a un método Java -- los objetos <code>JavaClass</code> no se convierten de forma automática a instancias de <code>java.lang.Class</code>.</p>
-<h3 id="Propiedades" name="Propiedades">Propiedades</h3>
-<p>Las propiedades de un objeto <code>JavaClass</code> son los campos estáticos de la clase Java.</p>
-<h3 id="M.C3.A9todos" name="M.C3.A9todos">Métodos</h3>
-<p>Los métodos de un objeto <code>JavaClass</code> son los métodos estáticos de la clase Java.</p>
-<h3 id="Ejemplos" name="Ejemplos">Ejemplos</h3>
-<h4 id="Ejemplos:_Utilizando_JavaClass" name="Ejemplos:_Utilizando_JavaClass">Ejemplos: Utilizando <code>JavaClass</code></h4>
-<p>En el siguiente ejemplo, <code>x</code> es un objeto JavaClass que hace referencia a java.awt.Font. Debido a que BOLD es un campo estático de la clase Font, también es una propiedad del objeto JavaClass.</p>
-<pre class="eval">x = java.awt.Font;
-myFont = x("helv", x.BOLD, 10); // crea un objeto Font
-<p>El ejemplo anterior omite <code>Packages</code> y utiliza el sinónimo <code>java</code> debido a que la clase <code>Font</code> está en el paquete <code>java</code>.</p>
-<h4 id="Ejemplos_2" name="Ejemplos_2">Ejemplos</h4>
-<p>En el siguiente ejemplo, el objeto <code>java.lang.String </code>de <code>JavaClass</code> se pasa como un argumento al método <code>newInstance</code> creando un array:</p>
-<pre class="eval">var cars = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(java.lang.String, 15);
-<h3 id="Ver_tambi.C3.A9n" name="Ver_tambi.C3.A9n">Ver también</h3>
-<p><a href="/es/Referencia_de_JavaScript_1.5/Objetos_globales#JavaArray" title="es/Referencia_de_JavaScript_1.5/Objetos_globales#JavaArray">JavaArray</a>, <a href="/es/Referencia_de_JavaScript_1.5/Objetos_globales#JavaObject" title="es/Referencia_de_JavaScript_1.5/Objetos_globales#JavaObject">Objeto Java</a>, <a href="/es/Referencia_de_JavaScript_1.5/Objetos_globales#JavaPackage" title="es/Referencia_de_JavaScript_1.5/Objetos_globales#JavaPackage">Empaquetado Java</a>, <a href="/es/Referencia_de_JavaScript_1.5/Objetos_globales#Packages" title="es/Referencia_de_JavaScript_1.5/Objetos_globales#Packages">Paquetes</a></p>
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-title: JavaObject
-slug: Archive/Web/LiveConnect/JavaObject
-translation_of: Archive/Web/LiveConnect_Reference/JavaObject
-<h3 id="Summary" name="Summary"> Summary </h3>
-<p><b>Core Object</b>
-</p><p>The type of a wrapped Java object accessed from within JavaScript code.
-<h3 id="Created_by" name="Created_by"> Created by </h3>
-<p>Any Java method which returns an object type. In addition, you can explicitly construct a <code>JavaObject</code> using the object's Java constructor with the <code>Packages</code> keyword:
-<pre class="eval">new Packages.<i>JavaClass</i>(<i>parameterList</i>)
-<p><i>JavaClass</i> is the fully-specified name of the object's Java class.
-<h3 id="Parameters" name="Parameters"> Parameters </h3>
-<dl><dt> <code>parameterList</code> </dt><dd> An optional list of parameters, specified by the constructor of the Java class.
-<h3 id="Description" name="Description"> Description </h3>
-<p>The <code>JavaObject</code> object is an instance of a Java class that is created in or passed to JavaScript. <code>JavaObject</code> is a wrapper for the instance; all references to the class instance are made through the <code>JavaObject</code>.
-</p><p>Any Java data brought into JavaScript is converted to JavaScript data types. When the <code>JavaObject</code> is passed back to Java, it is unwrapped and can be used by Java code. See the <a href="es/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Guide">Core JavaScript 1.5 Guide</a> for more information about data type conversions.
-<h3 id="Properties" name="Properties"> Properties </h3>
-<p>Inherits public data members from the Java class of which it is an instance as properties. It also inherits public data members from any superclass as properties.
-<h3 id="Methods" name="Methods"> Methods </h3>
-<p>Inherits public methods from the Java class of which it is an instance. The <code>JavaObject</code> also inherits methods from <code>java.lang.Object</code> and any other superclass.
-<h3 id="Examples" name="Examples"> Examples </h3>
-<h4 id="Example:_Instantiating_a_Java_Object_in_JavaScript" name="Example:_Instantiating_a_Java_Object_in_JavaScript"> Example: Instantiating a Java Object in JavaScript </h4>
-<p>The following code creates the <code>JavaObject</code> <code>theString</code>, which is an instance of the class <code>java.lang.String</code>:
-<pre class="eval">var theString = new Packages.java.lang.String("Hello, world");
-<p>Because the <code>String</code> class is in the <code>java</code> package, you can also use the java synonym and omit the <code>Packages</code> keyword when you instantiate the class:
-<pre class="eval">var theString = new java.lang.String("Hello, world");
-<h4 id="Example:_Accessing_methods_of_a_Java_object" name="Example:_Accessing_methods_of_a_Java_object"> Example: Accessing methods of a Java object </h4>
-<p>Because the <code>JavaObject</code> <code>theString</code> is an instance of <code>java.lang.String</code>, it inherits all the public methods of <code>java.lang.String</code>. The following example uses the <code>startsWith</code> method to check whether <code>theString</code> begins with "Hello".
-<pre class="eval">var theString = new java.lang.String("Hello, world");
-theString.startsWith("Hello"); // returns true
-<h4 id="Example:_Accessing_inherited_methods" name="Example:_Accessing_inherited_methods"> Example: Accessing inherited methods </h4>
-<p>Because <code>getClass</code> is a method of <code>Object</code>, and <code>java.lang.String</code> extends <code>Object</code>, the <code>String</code> class inherits the <code>getClass</code> method. Consequently, <code>getClass</code> is also a method of the <code>JavaObject</code> which instantiates <code>String</code> in JavaScript.
-<pre class="eval">var theString = new java.lang.String("Hello, world");
-theString.getClass(); // returns java.lang.String
-<h3 id="See_also" name="See_also"> See also </h3>
-<p><a href="es/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Global_Objects/JavaArray">JavaArray</a>,
-<a href="es/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Global_Objects/JavaClass">JavaClass</a>,
-<a href="es/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Global_Objects/JavaPackage">JavaPackage</a>,
-<a href="es/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Global_Objects/Packages">Packages</a>
-<div class="noinclude">
diff --git a/files/es/archive/web/liveconnect/javapackage/index.html b/files/es/archive/web/liveconnect/javapackage/index.html
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-title: JavaPackage
-slug: Archive/Web/LiveConnect/JavaPackage
-translation_of: Archive/Web/LiveConnect_Reference/JavaPackage
-<h3 id="Summary" name="Summary"> Summary </h3>
-<p><b>Core Object</b>
-</p><p>A JavaScript reference to a Java package.
-<h3 id="Created_by" name="Created_by"> Created by </h3>
-<p>A reference to the package name used with the <code>Packages</code> keyword:
-<pre class="eval">Packages.<i>JavaPackage</i>
-<p><i>JavaPackage</i> is the name of the object's Java package. If the package is in the <code>java</code>, <code>netscape</code>, or <code>sun</code> packages, the <code>Packages</code> keyword is optional.
-<h3 id="Description" name="Description"> Description </h3>
-<p>In Java, a package is a collection of Java classes or other Java packages. For example, the <code>netscape</code> package contains the package <code>netscape.javascript</code>; the <code>netscape.javascript</code> package contains the classes <code>JSObject</code> and <code>JSException</code>.
-</p><p>In JavaScript, a <code>JavaPackage</code> is a reference to a Java package. For example, a reference to <code>netscape</code> is a <code>JavaPackage</code>. <code>netscape.javascript</code> is both a <code>JavaPackage</code> and a property of the <code>netscape</code> JavaPackage.
-</p><p>A <code>JavaClass</code> object is a reference to one of the classes in a package, such as <code>netscape.javascript.JSObject</code>. The <code>JavaPackage</code> and <code>JavaClass</code> hierarchy reflect the Java package and class hierarchy.
-</p><p>Although the packages and classes contained in a <code>JavaPackage</code> are its properties, you cannot use a <code>for...in</code> statement to enumerate them as you can enumerate the properties of other objects. </p>
-<h3 id="Properties" name="Properties"> Properties </h3>
-<p>The properties of a <code>JavaPackage</code> are the <code>JavaClass</code> objects and any other <code>JavaPackage</code> objects it contains.
-<h3 id="Examples" name="Examples"> Examples </h3>
-<p>Suppose the Redwood corporation uses the Java <code>redwood</code> package to contain various Java classes that it implements. The following code creates the <code>JavaPackage</code> red:
-<pre class="eval">var red = Packages.redwood;
-<h3 id="See_also" name="See_also"> See also </h3>
-<p><a href="es/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Global_Objects/JavaArray">JavaArray</a>,
-<a href="es/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Global_Objects/JavaClass">JavaClass</a>,
-<a href="es/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Global_Objects/JavaObject">JavaObject</a>,
-<a href="es/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Global_Objects/Packages">Packages</a>
-<div class="noinclude">
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-title: netscape
-slug: Archive/Web/LiveConnect/netscape
-translation_of: Archive/Web/LiveConnect_Reference/netscape
-<h3 id="Summary" name="Summary"> Summary </h3>
-<p><b>Core Object</b>
-</p><p>A top-level object used to access any Java class in the package <code>netscape.*</code>.
-<h3 id="Created_by" name="Created_by"> Created by </h3>
-<p>The <code>netscape</code> object is a top-level, predefined JavaScript object. You can automatically access it without using a constructor or calling a method.
-<h3 id="Description" name="Description"> Description </h3>
-<p>The <code>netscape</code> object is a convenient synonym for the property <code>Packages.netscape</code>.
-<h3 id="See_Also" name="See_Also"> See Also </h3>
-<p><a href="es/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Global_Objects/Packages">Packages</a>,
-<a href="es/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Global_Objects/Packages/netscape">Packages.netscape</a>
-<div class="noinclude">
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-title: Packages
-slug: Archive/Web/LiveConnect/Packages
-translation_of: Archive/Web/LiveConnect_Reference/Packages
-<h3 id="Summary" name="Summary"> Summary </h3>
-<p><b>Core Object</b>
-</p><p>A top-level object used to access Java classes from within JavaScript code.
-<h3 id="Created_by" name="Created_by"> Created by </h3>
-<p>The <code>Packages</code> object is a top-level, predefined JavaScript object. You can automatically access it without using a constructor or calling a method.
-<h3 id="Description" name="Description"> Description </h3>
-<p>The <code>Packages</code> object lets you access the public methods and fields of an arbitrary Java class from within JavaScript. The <code>java</code>, <code>netscape</code>, and <code>sun</code> properties represent the packages <code>java.*</code>, <code>netscape.*</code>, and <code>sun.*</code> respectively. Use standard Java dot notation to access the classes, methods, and fields in these packages. For example, you can access a constructor of the <code>Frame</code> class as follows:
-<pre class="eval">var theFrame = new Packages.java.awt.Frame();
-<p>For convenience, JavaScript provides the top-level <code>netscape</code>, <code>sun</code>, and <code>java</code> objects that are synonyms for the Packages properties with the same names. Consequently, you can access Java classes in these packages without the Packages keyword, as follows:
-<pre class="eval">var theFrame = new java.awt.Frame();
-<p>The <code>className</code> property represents the fully qualified path name of any other Java class that is available to JavaScript. You must use the <code>Packages</code> object to access classes outside the <code>netscape</code>, <code>sun</code>, and <code>java</code> packages.
-<h3 id="Properties" name="Properties"> Properties </h3>
-<p><a href="es/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Global_Objects/Packages/className">className</a>: The fully qualified name of a Java class in a package other than netscape, java, or sun that is available to JavaScript. </p><p><a href="es/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Global_Objects/Packages/java">java</a>: Any class in the Java package java.*. </p><p><a href="es/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Global_Objects/Packages/netscape">netscape</a>: Any class in the Java package netscape.*. </p><p><a href="es/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Global_Objects/Packages/sun">sun</a>: Any class in the Java package sun.*.
-<h3 id="Examples" name="Examples"> Examples </h3>
-<h4 id="Example:_JavaScript_function_to_create_a_Java_dialog_box" name="Example:_JavaScript_function_to_create_a_Java_dialog_box"> Example: JavaScript function to create a Java dialog box </h4>
-<p>The following JavaScript function creates a Java dialog box:
-<pre class="eval">function createWindow() {
- var theOwner = new Packages.java.awt.Frame();
- var theWindow = new Packages.java.awt.Dialog(theOwner);
- theWindow.setSize(350, 200);
- theWindow.setTitle("Hello, World");
- theWindow.setVisible(true);
-<p>In the previous example, the function instantiates <code>theWindow</code> as a new <code>Packages</code> object. The <code>setSize</code>, <code>setTitle</code>, and <code>setVisible</code> methods are all available to JavaScript as public methods of <code>java.awt.Dialog</code>.
-<div class="noinclude">
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@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-title: sun
-slug: Archive/Web/LiveConnect/sun
-translation_of: Archive/Web/LiveConnect_Reference/sun
-<p> </p>
-<h3 id="Summary" name="Summary">Sumario</h3>
-<p><strong>Objeto Core</strong></p>
-<p>Objeto de nivel superior usado para acceder a cualquier clase Java en el paquete <code>sun.*</code>.</p>
-<h3 id="Created_by" name="Created_by">Creado por</h3>
-<p>El objeto <code>sun</code> es un objeto Javascript predefinido de nivel superior. Puede acceder a él automáticamente sin necesidad de utilizar un constructor o llamar a un método.</p>
-<h3 id="Description" name="Description">Descripción</h3>
-<p>El objeto <code>sun</code> es un sinónimo de conveniencia de la propiedad <code>Packages.sun</code>.</p>
-<h3 id="See_also" name="See_also">Ver también</h3>
-<p><a href="/es/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Global_Objects/Packages" title="es/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Global_Objects/Packages">Packages</a>, <a href="/es/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Global_Objects/Packages/sun" title="es/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Global_Objects/Packages/sun">Packages.sun</a></p>