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diff --git a/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/criteri_revisione_marketplace/index.html b/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/criteri_revisione_marketplace/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9e2d6e10bf --- /dev/null +++ b/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/criteri_revisione_marketplace/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +--- +title: Criteri di revisione del Marketplace +slug: Mozilla/Marketplace/criteri_revisione_marketplace +translation_of: Archive/Mozilla/Marketplace/Publishing/Marketplace_review_criteria +--- +<div class="summary"> + <p>Questo articolo descrive i requisiti che un'app deve soddisfare per essere distribuita su Firefox Marketplace. Tali requisiti sono stati elaborati per conservare un equilibrio tra le esigenze degli sviluppatori e quelle degli utenti. Gli sviluppatori cercano requisiti equi, coerenti, non troppo rigorosi e affidabili per costituire le basi del loro business. D'altra parte, gli utenti esigono la garanzia che le app siano sicure, in grado di funzionare sui loro dispositivi e che rispettino quanto dichiarato nelle note di versione. I seguenti requisiti tentano di conciliare tutte queste esigenze.</p> +</div> +<p>Di seguito le prospettive di Mozilla riguardo alle revisioni:</p> +<ul> + <li>I criteri vanno applicati in modo equo, coerente e con una certa clemenza. Il processo di revisione non deve essere visto come una barriera, ma piuttosto come un punto di vista degno di fiducia che fornisce dei suggerimenti per aiutare lo sviluppatore ad avere successo.</li> + <li>I revisori non si sostituiscono al Controllo qualità. Durante il processo di revisione un volontario verificherà la validità del manifesto e dedicherà qualche minuto a utilizzare l'app come farebbe un normale utente.</li> + <li>Nel caso in cui un'app non passi il processo di revisione, allo sviluppatore verrà fornita una chiara spiegazione dei problemi riscontrati, dei passaggi per riprodurli e, dove possibile, il revisore proverà a indicare la giusta strada da seguire fornendo link alla documentazione o suggerendo le modifiche da effettuare.</li> + <li>I revisori non danno giudizi estetici sull'<em>aspetto</em> dell'app, ma solo sul suo <em>funzionamento</em>. Ad esempio, un'app che contiene un paragrafo di testo rosso su sfondo arancione può essere rifiutata non perché esteticamente sgradevole, ma a causa della scarsa leggibilità.</li> + <li>Agli sviluppatori viene sempre concesso il beneficio del dubbio. Quando un revisore non è sicuro se un'app debba o meno essere rifiutata, <em>prima</em> di procedere col rifiuto chiederà delucidazioni allo sviluppatore. Un'app non verrà, almeno consapevolmente, rifiutata per problemi legati alla piattaforma e fuori dal controllo dello sviluppatore, tuttavia ci riserviamo di sospendere l'approvazione finché l'app non sarà in condizioni di funzionare correttamente.</li> +</ul> +<h2 id="Sicurezza">Sicurezza</h2> +<p>Tutte le specifiche di sicurezza per la progettazione di app sono disponibili in questa pagina:<a href="https://wiki.mozilla.org/Apps/Security">https://wiki.mozilla.org/Apps/Security</a> </p> +<ul> + <li>Il manifesto dell'app deve essere distribuito dalla stessa origine dell'app.</li> + <li>Il manifesto dell'app deve essere distribuito utilizzando l'header HTTP <code>Content-Type</code> <code>application/x-web-app-manifest+json</code>.</li> + <li>Un'app non deve utilizzare reindirizzamenti o iframe per caricare contenuti altrui senza autorizzazione.</li> + <li>Il manifesto deve specificare quali sono i privilegi richiesti dall'app e per quale scopo vengono utilizzati.</li> +</ul> +<h2 id="Privacy">Privacy</h2> +<ul> + <li>Durante il caricamento dell'app ti verrà chiesto di fornire l'indirizzo della tua Informativa sulla privacy. Per l'informativa non sono richiesti formati o contenuti specifici. Sentiti libero di utilizzare il nostro <a href="https://github.com/flamsmark/privacy-policy-template">modello di Informativa sulla privacy</a>. Dai anche un'occhiata alle <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Privacy_policies">linee guida per l'Informativa sulla privacy</a>.</li> +</ul> +<h2 id="Contenuto">Contenuto</h2> +<ul> + <li>Tutte le app che non rispettano le linee guida sui contenuti, riportate qui di seguito, verranno rifiutate. Se ritieni che la tua app rappresenti un caso limite, richiedi delucidazioni al team di revisione, anche se l'app non è ancora pronta per la pubblicazione. Vogliamo aiutarti a rimanere sulla strada giusta piuttosto che sprecare del tempo prezioso a sviluppare un'app che verrà rifiutata.</li> + <li>Da gennaio 2014 tutte le app devono ricevere una classificazione dei contenuti da parte della IARC (International Age Rating Coalition). La classificazione viene attribuita durante il processo di caricamento dell'app rispondendo a un breve questionario. Ulteriori informazioni sul <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Marketplace/Submission/Rating_Your_Content">processo di classificazione</a>.</li> + <li>Gli screenshot e le descrizioni inserite in Firefox Marketplace devono essere una rappresentazione fedele dell'app.</li> + <li>Nel manifesto di un'app le <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/Apps/Manifest#locales">chiavi di tipo <code>locale</code></a> devono corrispondere alle rispettive lingue supportate dall'app. Per esempio, se fornisci una chiave <code>locale</code> in polacco gli utenti si aspetteranno che l'app sia disponibile in questa lingua.</li> +</ul> +<h3 id="Linee_guida_per_i_contenuti"><strong>Linee guida per i contenuti</strong></h3> +<p>Questa lista descrive contenuti considerati inappropriati su Firefox Marketplace. Non è una lista definitiva ma solo illustrativa e potrebbe essere aggiornata. Se un'applicazione viola queste linee guida, Mozilla si riserva il diritto di rimuoverla da Firefox Marketplace.</p> +<ul> + <li>Nessun materiale osceno, pornografico o rappresentazioni grafiche di sesso e violenza.</li> + <li>Nessun contenuto che violi i diritti altrui, inclusi proprietà intellettuale e altri diritti di proprietà, diritti di privacy e di pubblicità.</li> + <li>Nessun contenuto concepito per danneggiare Mozilla o gli utenti (quali codici potenzialmente dannosi, virus, spyware o malware).</li> + <li>Nessun contenuto illegale o che promuova attività illegali.</li> + <li>Nessun contenuto ingannevole, fuorviante, fraudolento, concepito per attività di phishing o altri furti di identità.</li> + <li>Nessun contenuto che promuova il gioco d'azzardo.</li> + <li>Nessun contenuto coinvolto nella promozione di prodotti e servizi illegali o controllati.</li> + <li>Nessun contenuto che sfrutti i minori.</li> + <li>Nessun contenuto che degradi, intimidisca, inciti alla violenza o incoraggi l'azione pregiudizievole nei confronti di persone o gruppi sulla base di età, sesso, razza, etnia, nazionalità, religione, orientamento sessuale, disabilità, posizione geografica o altre categorie protette, o che costituisca un incitamento all'odio.</li> + <li>Nessun contenuto che induca disonestamente l'utente a prendere una decisione d'acquisto.</li> +</ul> +<h2 id="Funzionalità">Funzionalità</h2> +<ul> + <li>Il revisore deve essere in grado di verificare il corretto funzionamento delle caratteristiche principali pubblicizzate dall'app. Difetti estetici e piccoli inconvenienti verranno comunicati allo sviluppatore, ma non impediranno l'approvazione dell'app.</li> + <li>L'app non deve compromettere le prestazioni e la stabilità del sistema.</li> +</ul> +<h2 id="Usabilità">Usabilità</h2> +<ul> + <li>Lo sviluppatore deve fare un ragionevole tentativo di ottimizzare il layout dell'app per la piattaforma di riferimento. Questo requisito è stato implementato per impedire le mancanze più grossolane, come ad esempio: + <ul> + <li>Dichiarare un'app che è chiaramente un sito web per desktop compatibile con un dispositivo mobile.</li> + <li>Progettare un'app con il layout che non si espande per riempire lo spazio a disposizione sullo schermo (immagina un'app con una schermata 320x480 che occupa solo l'angolo in alto a destra di un tablet, lasciando il resto della pagina vuoto: non è esattamente l'effetto desiderato!)</li> + </ul> + </li> + <li>L'app deve implementare un proprio sistema di navigazione e non dipendere dalla finestra nativa del browser o da un pulsante hardware, che potrebbe non essere disponibile su tutti i dispositivi. + <ul> + <li>Se, per esempio, un revisore si trovasse bloccato su una schermata dell'app perché nell'interfaccia non è stato implementato un collegamento per tornare indietro, questo costituirebbe un motivo di rifiuto. Questo non significa che l'app debba necessariamente implementare la barra di pulsanti tipica delle app native.</li> + <li>Nelle versioni di Firefox OS 1.1 e superiori è possibile inserire nel manifesto la proprietà <code><a href="/en-US/Apps/Build/Manifest#chrome">chrome</a></code>, che dota l'app di un sistema di navigazione essenziale.</li> + </ul> + </li> + <li>Gli elementi di navigazione, come pulsanti e link, devono essere facilmente attivabili con un clic o un tocco.</li> +</ul> +<h2 id="Politica_sulle_app_bloccate">Politica sulle app bloccate</h2> +<p>Nella speranza di non arrivare mai a esercitarlo, ci riserviamo il diritto di eliminare ("bloccare") qualsiasi app già pubblicata che in un secondo momento riveli di aver violato i requisiti di sicurezza, privacy o contenuto, oppure di causare un peggioramento significativo nelle prestazioni del sistema o del network. Gli sviluppatori verranno informati prima del blocco della loro app, saranno considerati in buona fede in assenza di prove che dimostrino il contrario e potranno contare sulla piena collaborazione del team di revisione, che comunicherà loro la situazione e li assisterà nella risoluzione del problema. Esempi specifici di casi in cui si procede al blocco di un'app:</p> +<ul> + <li>Phishing</li> + <li>Spam</li> + <li>Modifica radicale della tipologia di contenuti, ad esempio da "Foto di cuccioli v1.0" a "Violenza Brutale v1.0", senza aggiornare appropriatamente la classificazione dei contenuti.</li> + <li>Comportamenti anomali gravi dell'app per una significativa percentuale di utenti, anche nel caso in cui non si riesca a stabilire una responsabilità diretta di quest'ultima. Questi includono: peggioramento nelle prestazioni del telefono, riavvii continui, perdita dei dati dell'utente non risolti da un riavvio del dispositivo.</li> + <li>Utilizzo dell'app per attacchi alla Rete come il Distributed denial of service (DDOS).</li> +</ul> diff --git a/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/index.html b/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b868c7f23d --- /dev/null +++ b/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +--- +title: Firefox Marketplace +slug: Mozilla/Marketplace +tags: + - Apps + - Firefox OS + - Marketplace + - Mobile + - TopicStub +translation_of: Archive/Mozilla/Marketplace +--- +<div class="summary">Firefox Marketplace è una piattaforma online aperta e non proprietaria per la distribuzione di app web. <span class="seoSummary">Questa sezione fornisce le informazioni necessarie per realizzare ed esporre un’app su Firefox Marketplace, illustra consigli su come rendere l'app più fruibile e popolare, le varie opzioni di distribuzione, pubblicazione e aggiornamento, le librerie e API necessarie per sfruttare le funzionalità del Marketplace.</span></div> + +<div class="column-container"> +<p>Mozilla porta i suoi principi fondamentali, apertura, libertà e diritto dell'utente di scegliere, nel mercato delle app.</p> + +<p><a href="https://marketplace.firefox.com/">Firefox Marketplace</a> permette di pubblicare <a href="/it/docs/Apps">app open web</a> sfruttando tecnologie web, linguaggi e strumenti standardizzati. Le app possono essere di due tipi: locali (packaged), cioè eseguibili dall'interno di Firefox, oppure remote (hosted), ospitate su un server proprio. Le app pubblicate sul Marketplace sono disponibili agli utenti di Firefox OS in tutto il mondo e possono essere facilmente trovate attraverso la sezione "App consigliate", le varie categorie di app e una versatile funzione di ricerca. L'installazione delle app gratuite richiede pochi istanti, mentre le app a pagamento possono essere acquistate sfruttando il sempre più completo supporto per i pagamenti con carta di credito oppure direttamente dal cellulare.</p> +</div> + +<div class="row topicpage-table"> +<div class="section"> +<h2 class="Community" id="Community" name="Community"><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Prepare">Prepararsi al successo</a></h2> + +<dl> + <dd>Che tu sviluppi app per profitto o semplicemente per soddisfazione personale, se le esponi sul Marketplace probabilmente è perché miri a farle scoprire, utilizzare e apprezzare dagli utenti. Questa sezione spiega come far conoscere la propria app e costruire una comunità di utenti soddisfatti.</dd> +</dl> + +<h2 class="Community" id="Community" name="Community"><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Options">Opzioni di pubblicazione</a></h2> + +<dl> + <dd>Locale o remota, questo è il dilemma. Le risposte alle tue domande su come distribuire il contenuto delle app e sulle varie opzioni per desktop, dispositivi Android e Firefox OS.</dd> +</dl> + +<h2 class="Community" id="Community" name="Community"><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Introduction">Pubblicare un'app</a></h2> + +<dl> + <dd>Esibisci le tue app davanti al resto del mondo. Scopri come esporre le tue app su Firefox Marketplace, dal procedimento per caricare l'app al processo di revisione, all'aggiornamento, al controllo delle statistiche, alla revisione dei commenti degli utenti.</dd> +</dl> +</div> + +<div class="section"> +<dl> +</dl> + +<h2 class="Tools" id="Tools" name="Tools">Strumenti per lo sviluppo di app</h2> + +<dl> + <dt><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/APIs">Librerie e API di Firefox Marketplace</a></dt> + <dd>Una panoramica con i link alle librerie e alle API a disposizione per aggiungere nuove funzionalità alle app del Marketplace.</dd> + <dt><a href="/en-US/Apps/Tools_and_frameworks/App_developer_tools">Strumenti per sviluppatori di app</a></dt> + <dd>Una lista esauriente dei vari strumenti a disposizione per rendere lo sviluppo delle app open web efficiente e divertente.</dd> + <dt><a href="/it/docs/Tools/WebIDE">WebIDE</a></dt> + <dd>Lo strumento principale per verificare, inviare a un dispositivo e sottoporre al debug le app di <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Firefox_OS">Firefox OS</a> attraverso <a href="/it/docs/Tools/Firefox_OS_Simulator">Firefox OS Simulator</a> o un dispositivo con sistema operativo Firefox OS.</dd> +</dl> +</div> +</div> + +<h2 id="Subnav">Subnav</h2> + +<ol> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Prepare">Prepararsi al successo</a> + + <ol> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Prepare/Introduction">Introduzione</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Prepare/Deciding_what_to_build">Deciding what to build</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Prepare/Getting_to_know_your_users">Getting to know your users</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Prepare/Choosing_your_business_model">Choosing your business model</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Prepare/Localizing_your_apps">Localizing your apps</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Prepare/Promoting_your_app">Promoting your app</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Prepare/Creating_your_community">Creating your community</a></li> + </ol> + </li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Options">Opzioni di pubblicazione</a> + <ol> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Options/Introduction">Introduzione</a></li> + <li><a href="/it/Marketplace/Options/Packaged_apps">Packaged apps</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Options/Hosted_apps">Hosted apps</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Options/Packaged_or_hosted">Packaged or hosted?</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Options/Mobile_optimized_websites">Mobile-optimized websites</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Options/Self_publishing">Publish apps yourself</a></li> + </ol> + </li> + <li><a href="/it/Marketplace/Publishing">App publishing overview</a> + <ol> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Introduction">Introduzione</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Submission_checklist">Submission checklist</a></li> + <li><a href="it/Marketplace/criteri_revisione_marketplace" title="Una spiegazione dei criteri che un'app deve soddisfare per essere pubblicata su Firefox Marketplace">Criteri di revisione del Marketplace</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Marketplace_showcase_criteria">Marketplace showcase criteria</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Adding_a_subdomain" title="Per ragioni di sicurezza ogni app deve avere un proprio dominio (o sottodominio) sul Web. Questo articolo spiega come creare il sottodominio per un'app.">Adding a subdomain for an app</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Policies_and_Guidelines">Policies and Guidelines</a> + <ol> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Policies_and_Guidelines/Introduction">Introduzione</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Policies_and_Guidelines/Marketplace_screenshot_criteria" title="Linee guida su come realizzare screenshot efficaci per il caricamento sul Marketplace.">Marketplace screenshot criteria</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Policies_and_Guidelines/Privacy_policies" title="La privacy degli utenti è estremamente importante, per questo è necessario sviluppare e aderire a una politica sulla privacy appropriata in modo da guadagnarsi la loro fiducia. Questo articolo fornisce le linee guida per lo sviluppo di una politica sulla privacy.">Privacy policy</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Policies_and_Guidelines/Testing_and_troubleshooting">App testing and troubleshooting</a></li> + </ol> + </li> + </ol> + </li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Submit">Submit your app</a> + <ol> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Submit/Overview">Panoramica</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Submit/Sign-in_to_your_developer_account" title="Questa guida indica come caricare correttamente un'app su Firefox Marketplace passo per passo.">Step 1: Sign-in</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Submit/Load_your_app">Step 2: Load app</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Submit/Enter_your_apps_details">Step 3: Listing details</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Submit/Next_steps">Step 4: Next steps</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Submit/Rating_Your_Content">Step 5: App rating</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Submit/Define_your_team">Step 6: Define team members</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Submit/View_your_listing">Step 7: View listing</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Submit/Edit_other_localizations">Step 8: Edit other localizations</a></li> + </ol> + </li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Managing_your_apps">Managing and updating published apps</a> + <ol> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Managing_your_apps/Introduction_Managing_your_apps">Introduzione</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Managing_your_apps/Status___Versions">Your app's status</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Updating_apps" title="Informazioni su come vengono gestiti gli aggiornamenti delle app locali e remote, e sugli accorgimenti da prendere per assicurarsi che la propria app supporti gli aggiornamenti.">Updating apps</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Managing_your_apps/App_Statistics">App Stats</a></li> + </ol> + </li> + <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Marketplace/Add-on_submission">Add-on submission</a> + <ol> + <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Marketplace/Add-on_submission">Add-on submission overview</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Marketplace/Add-on_submission/Review_criteria">Add-on review criteria</a></li> + </ol> + </li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/APIs">Librerie e API</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/FAQ">FAQ di Firefox Marketplace</a></li> +</ol> diff --git a/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/monetization/introduction_monetization/index.html b/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/monetization/introduction_monetization/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ef368a9586 --- /dev/null +++ b/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/monetization/introduction_monetization/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +--- +title: Introduction — Monetization +slug: Mozilla/Marketplace/Monetization/Introduction_Monetization +tags: + - italiano tags +translation_of: Archive/Marketplace/Monetization/Introduction_Monetization +--- +<div class="summary"> +<p>You've worked hard on designing your latest app, and now you want to ensure it generates revenue. This section provides the information you need to implement and publish a paid app, a paid upgrade app, and apps using in-app payments or in-app advertising.</p> +</div> + +<div class="row topicpage-table"> +<dl> + <dt><a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Apps/Tutorials/General/Profiting_from_your_app">Publishing your app for profit</a></dt> + <dd>An overview to the development and publishing process for each type of monetized app, as well as details on refunds and how payments are processed.</dd> + <dt><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Monetization/App_payments_guide">Building paid apps</a></dt> + <dd>An introduction to creating an app users have to pay for.</dd> + <dt><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Monetization/In-app_payments_section/Introduction_In-app_Payments">Building for in-app payments</a></dt> + <dd>Guides to implementing support for in-app payments using fxPay or mozPay.</dd> + <dt><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Monetization/Refunds">Refunds</a></dt> + <dd>Details on refunds users can request and how they effect your app.</dd> + <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/Apps/Publishing/Validating_a_receipt">Validating a receipt</a></dt> + <dd>A guide to when and how to validate your app's purchase receipt, whether you want to implement the validation yourself or use an existing library.</dd> + <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/Apps/Publishing/App_pricing" title="/en-US/docs/Web/Apps/Publishing/App_pricing">App pricing tiers</a></dt> + <dd>Details of the fixed price points you can choose for your paid apps, and how these vary among different currencies, along with useful supporting information on dealing with app payments.</dd> + <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/Apps/Publishing/Payments_Status" title="/en-US/docs/Web/Apps/Publishing/Payments_Status">Country guide</a></dt> + <dd>Additional details, such as tax and exchange rates used, for each country where payments in the local currency are available.</dd> +</dl> +</div> + +<p> </p> diff --git a/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/monetization/profiting_from_your_app/index.html b/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/monetization/profiting_from_your_app/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f623f72cc8 --- /dev/null +++ b/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/monetization/profiting_from_your_app/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +--- +title: Publishing your app for profit +slug: Mozilla/Marketplace/Monetization/Profiting_from_your_app +tags: + - italiano tags +translation_of: Archive/Marketplace/Monetization/Profiting_from_your_app +--- +<div class="summary"> +<p>Creating Web Apps is not only fun; it's also a great way to turn your passion into revenue! This article sumarizes how you publish app using various the monetization models available.</p> +</div> + +<div class="note"> +<p><strong>Note</strong>: If you're looking for more information on monetization models or advice on which one to use, check out <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Prepare/Choosing_your_business_model">Choosing your business model</a>. In addition, the <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/FAQ#Payments">payments section of the Marketplace FAQ</a> provides answers to many common questions about Marketplace payments.</p> +</div> + +<h2 id="How_to_...">How to ...</h2> + +<h3 id="Release_a_premium_app">Release a premium app</h3> + +<p>To offer a premium (paid) app you need to set it so it's installed from Firefox Marketplace. Then include code to verify a receipt issued by Marketplace, to make sure the app has been paid for before allowing it to run. For more information, see the <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Monetization/App_payments_guide">App payments guide</a>.</p> + +<p>To setup an app as premium in Firefox Marketplace you first identify it as Paid in the <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Submit/Load_your_app#Monetization">initial (monetization)</a> section of the Submit an App page. You then <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Pricing/Payment_Accounts">create an account with one or more payment providers</a>. Once this is done you can select a <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Monetization/App_pricing">price point</a> for your app. Bear in mind that currently only apps installed into Firefox OS can be premium apps, because payments are not yet supported on desktop or Android.</p> + +<h3 id="Release_a_promote_as_upgrade_app">Release a promote as upgrade app</h3> + +<p>For this approach you obviously need two apps — the free one and the premium app you'll promote as an upgrade.</p> + +<p>Once your apps are ready, first add the free version of the app to Firefox Marketplace, then the premium version. While submitting the premium app select the <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Pricing/Promote_as_upgrade_to_free_version">promote as upgrade to free version</a> option at the bottom of the <strong>Compatibility & Pricing</strong> page.</p> + +<h3 id="Release_an_app_with_in-app_payments">Release an app with in-app payments</h3> + +<p>You have two options for adding in-app payments to your apps: <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Monetization/In-app_payments_section/fxPay_iap">fxPay</a> and <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Monetization/In-app_payments_section/mozPay_iap">mozPay</a>. The principal difference between the two options is that fxPay works without the need for your own server, while mozPay requires you to have a server to store transaction receipts.</p> + +<p>In simple terms, development of your app involves defining a number of in-app products you have for sale, reading those products into your app, providing a purchase 'button', and validating the receipt when the product is 'consumed' to ensure it was validly purchased. Full details on the coding required is provided in the <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Monetization/In-app_payments_section/Introduction_In-app_Payments">In-app payments</a> section.</p> + +<div class="note"> +<p><strong>Note</strong>: While we encourage apps using in-app payments to be free for download, it's possible to have a paid app that also uses in-app payments.</p> +</div> + +<p>To setup an app with in-app purchases in Firefox Marketplace, you first identify it as <strong>Paid / In-app</strong> in the <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Submit/Load_your_app#Monetization">initial (monetization)</a> section of the Submit an App page (noting that you will do this for a stub app before development starts to get a API key for mozPay or load in-app products for fxPay). You then <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Pricing/Payment_Accounts">create an account with one or more payment providers</a>, before publishing your app. Bear in mind that currently only apps installed into Firefox OS can be premium apps, because payments are not yet supported on desktop or Android.</p> + +<h3 id="Releasing_an_app_with_in-app_advertising">Releasing an app with in-app advertising</h3> + +<p>Mozilla has no special relationship with any advertising network, so you are free to choose the ad network or networks. You'll need to consult the developer resources from your chosen network to get full details of the development process, but in general the process is likely to involve: getting a key that will identify to the network that an ad has been displayed or clicked in your app, and coding the ads into your app.</p> + +<p>To publish on Firefox Marketplace you now simply identify it as <strong>Free</strong> or <strong>Paid / In-app</strong> as appropriate in the <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Submit/Load_your_app#Monetization">initial (monetization)</a> section of the Submit an App page and compete the apps details. There are no special steps to follow, compared to posting an app without in-app adverts.</p> + +<h2 id="See_also">See also</h2> + +<ul> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Prepare/Choosing_your_business_model">Choosing your business model</a> for details on the monetization options offered in Firefox Marketplace and advice on choosing the right one for your app.</li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Submit/Overview">Submit your app</a> for detailed information on the process for submitting an app to Firefox Marketplace.</li> +</ul> diff --git a/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/options/index.html b/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/options/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..067b7756f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/options/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: Your publication options +slug: Mozilla/Marketplace/Options +tags: + - NeedsTranslation + - Structure only + - TopicStub +translation_of: Archive/Mozilla/Marketplace/Options/Introduction +--- +<p>In <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Options/Introduction">this section</a> you'll discover:</p> +<ul> + <li>the formats in which you can deliver Open Web Apps ‐ either as a <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Options/Packaged_apps">packaged</a> or <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Options/Hosted_apps">hosted</a> app ‐ as well as details on how to <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Options/Packaged_or_hosted_">make the choice between these formats</a>.</li> + <li>how the features of <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Options/Open_web_apps_for_android">Open Web Apps for Android</a> and <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Options/Open_web_apps_for_desktop">Open Web Apps for Desktop</a> deliver your apps to Android devices and Windows/Mac/Linux PCs.</li> + <li>information on choosing between devices with different amounts of memory.</li> + <li>your options for <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Options/Self_publishing">publishing apps yourself</a>, outside Firefox Marketplace.</li> + <li>how you can <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Options/Creating_a_store">create your own Marketplace</a>.</li> +</ul> +<div class="warning"> + <p>Content in this section is still under development.</p> +</div> +<p> </p> diff --git a/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/options/packaged_apps/index.html b/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/options/packaged_apps/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..056adf7d11 --- /dev/null +++ b/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/options/packaged_apps/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +--- +title: Packaged apps +slug: Mozilla/Marketplace/Options/Packaged_apps +translation_of: Archive/Mozilla/Marketplace/Options/Packaged_apps +--- +<div class="summary"> + <p><span class="seoSummary">A <strong>packaged app</strong> is an Open Web App that has all of its resources (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, app manifest, and so on) contained in a zip file, instead of having its resources on a Web server. This article provides an introduction to packaged apps and links to everything you need to know about packaged apps from a developer standpoint.</span></p> +</div> +<p>A packaged app is zip file that contains all the resources that enable an Open Web App to function, along with an <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/Apps/Manifest">app manifest</a> in the zip's root directory. The app manifest provides details about the app such as its description, icons used to identify the installed app and such like. The package is then used to install the app to Firefox OS devices, <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Options/Open_web_apps_for_android">Android devices</a> and <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Options/Open_web_apps_for_desktop">desktops</a>. Once installed the app runs on the device, but is still able to access resources on the Web, such as a database on a Web server.</p> +<p>There are three <a href="#types_of_packaged_apps">types of packaged apps</a>: web app, privileged app and certified app. While packaged apps can be used to deliver any type of Open Web App, privileged and certified apps are digitally signed to enable the use of <a href="/en-US/Apps/Build/App_permissions">privileged and certified APIs</a>. Privileged apps are signed as part of the Marketplace review process, while certified apps are signed by device manufacturers or operators.</p> +<p>In addition to their ability to use privileged and certified APIs, packaged apps offer users a faster first start response as all the of the app's resources are available on the device after installation.These feature makes packaged apps the recommended approach for delivering Open Web Apps to Firefox OS devices, <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Options/Open_web_apps_for_android">Android devices</a> and <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Options/Open_web_apps_for_desktop">desktops</a>.</p> +<div class="note"> + <p><strong>Note:</strong> Currently the Firefox Marketplace supports web and privileged packaged apps. In addition, Firefox Marketplace supports paid packaged apps for Firefox OS only and free packaged apps for Firefox OS, Firefox for Android and Firefox for Desktop. Support for paid apps on all platforms is under development.</p> +</div> +<h2 id="Types_of_packaged_apps"><a name="types_of_packaged_apps">Types of packaged apps</a></h2> +<p>There are three types of packaged apps: web apps, privileged apps and certified app. Each type of packaged app corresponds to a level of the <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Firefox_OS/Security/Security_model#App_Security">App Security</a> model implemented in Firefox OS. This section provides more information on each.</p> +<h3 id="Web_app">Web app</h3> +<p>A web app is one that doesn't make use of privileged or certified APIs. When submitted to Marketplace the app's package is signed, but the special authentication process used for privileged or certified apps isn't performed. Web apps therefore cannot use privileged or certified APIs. These apps are not subject to the <a href="/en-US/Apps/CSP">Content Security Policies</a> (CSPs) required for privileged and certified apps.</p> +<p>This type of packaged app doesn't require the <code>type</code> field in its <code>manifest.webapp</code> file, because the default value for <code>type</code> (<code>web</code>) is correct.</p> +<p>Web apps may be <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Options/Self_publishing">self-published</a> or distributed through the Firefox Marketplace. Web apps can also be delivered using the <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Options/Hosted_apps">Hosted app</a> mechanism.</p> +<h3 id="Privileged_app">Privileged app</h3> +<p>A privileged app is one that makes use of privileged APIs and can be considered as the equivalent of a native app on platforms such as iOS and Android. When submitted to the Firefox Marketplace, privileged apps are approved using a special process. This process gives users of the app a level of assurance that the app has been carefully reviewed for potential security, privacy and capability issues.</p> +<p>To specify that an app is a privileged app, add the <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/Apps/Manifest#type"><code>type</code></a> field to its <code>manifest.webapp</code> file and set it to <code>privileged</code>. Every privileged API your app needs to access must be added to the <code>permissions</code> field in the <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/Apps/Manifest">app's manifest</a>.</p> +<p>Firefox OS and the Web runtimes for Android and desktops enforces the following <a href="/en-US/docs/Security/CSP/Introducing_Content_Security_Policy">CSP</a> for privileged apps:</p> +<pre class="brush: js">"default-src *; script-src 'self'; object-src 'none'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'"</pre> +<p>Privileged apps may be distributed through the Firefox Marketplace only.</p> +<h3 id="Certified_app">Certified app</h3> +<div class="geckoVersionNote"> + <p>Certified apps are not generally available to third-party developers and aren't distributed through the Firefox Marketplace. The long term goal for the APIs covered by certification is to harden then so they can be made available as privileged APIs. If you've an interest in seeing a particular API made available, please provide feedback on the <a href="https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-webapps">dev-webapps</a> mailing list.</p> +</div> +<p>A certified app is one that makes used of certified APIs, APIs that offer access to critical system function such as the default dialer or the system settings app on a device. Compared to to a privileged app, all API permissions in a certified app are implicit, meaning they are enabled without explicit user approval. A certified app must be approved for a device by the OEM or carrier.</p> +<p>To specify that an app is a certified app, add the <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/Apps/Manifest#type"><code>type</code></a> field to its <code>manifest.webapp</code> file and set it to <code>certified</code>. Every privileged and certified API your app needs to access must be added to the <code>permissions</code> field in the <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/Apps/Manifest">app's manifest</a>.</p> +<p>Firefox OS implements the following CSP for certified apps:</p> +<pre class="brush: js">"default-src *; script-src 'self'; object-src 'none'; style-src 'self'"</pre> +<p>This has the effect of implementing stricter rules for inline CSP for certified compared to privileged apps. If you want to understand the reasoning behind this, see <a href="https://wiki.mozilla.org/Apps/Security#Default_CSP_policy">Default CSP policy</a> and <a href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=768029">Bug 768029</a>.</p> +<p>Certified apps are preloaded onto devices by OEMs and operators.</p> +<h2 id="Testing_packaged_apps">Testing packaged apps</h2> +<p>To install a packaged app into a Firefox OS Simulator or onto a device for testing purposes, see <a href="/en-US/Firefox_OS/Using_the_App_Manager">Using the App Manager</a>. Alternatively, you can install it on to a device from a Web server by following the steps described in <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Options/Self_publishing">Publishing apps yourself</a>. Remember that when you publish apps yourself, packaged web apps only can be installed .</p> +<h2 id="Publishing_packaged_apps">Publishing packaged apps</h2> +<p>You have two options for publishing packaged apps: on Firefox Marketplace or self-publishing.</p> +<h3 id="Publishing_on_Firefox_Marketplace">Publishing on Firefox Marketplace</h3> +<p>The process for submitting a packaged app to Firefox Marketplace is described in the <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing">App Publishing</a> section.</p> +<p>When you submit your packaged app, its zip file is stored on the Marketplace servers, and the Marketplace generates a new manifest called the <strong>mini-manifest</strong> that is based on the app manifest in your packaged app's zip file. When a user installs your app, the mini-manifest is passed to the <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API/Apps.installPackage"><code>Apps.installPackage()</code></a> function to install the app. The mini-manifest exists for installation and update purposes and isn't used when your app runs.</p> +<h3 id="Publishing_yourself">Publishing yourself</h3> +<p>It's possible to publish packaged web apps outside Firefox Marketplace, on your own web server. Details are provided in <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Options/Self_publishing">Publishing apps yourself</a>.</p> +<h2 id="Updating_packaged_apps">Updating packaged apps</h2> +<p>For information on updating apps, see <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/Apps/Updating_apps">Updating apps</a>.</p> +<h2 id="More_information">More information</h2> +<ul> + <li><a href="/en-US/Firefox_OS/Security/Security_model">Firefox OS security Overview</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Firefox_OS/Security/Application_security">Application Security</a></li> + <li><a href="https://github.com/robnyman/Firefox-OS-Boilerplate-App" title="https://github.com/robnyman/Firefox-OS-Boilerplate-App">Firefox OS Boilerplate App</a></li> +</ul> +<p> </p> +Ytughf diff --git a/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/prepare/choosing_your_business_model/index.html b/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/prepare/choosing_your_business_model/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b4bceec5cf --- /dev/null +++ b/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/prepare/choosing_your_business_model/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +--- +title: Choosing your business model +slug: Mozilla/Marketplace/Prepare/Choosing_your_business_model +tags: + - italiano tags +translation_of: Archive/Mozilla/Marketplace/Prepare/Choosing_your_business_model +--- +<div class="summary"> +<p><span class="seoSummary">A guide to and advice on choosing an appropriate business model for monetizing Firefox Marketplace apps.</span></p> +</div> + +<p>You may be happy to create and distribute your apps for free. We applaud you for that, it’s very much in the spirit of everything we do here at Mozilla. However, we also understand that you may want to make app development your source of income and there is nothing wrong with that. Selecting the most appropriate monetization model your apps is a critical step if you want to maximize the revenue you earn. It's about a lot more than simply loading your app into Firefox Marketplace and setting a price: it's entirely possible that you could make more money by not charging for your app at all.</p> + +<p>To assist you with implementing the best monetization option, this page describes the models available before looking at the criteria to consider in deciding which option to use.</p> + +<h2 id="Monetization_models">Monetization models</h2> + +<p>When it comes to making money from your Firefox Marketplace apps there are a number of monetization models you can use. This section describes the options available.</p> + +<h3 id="The_Paid_App_or_Premium_model">The Paid App or Premium model</h3> + +<p>This is the simple, traditional model for monetizing apps: You generate your revenue from sales of your app by setting a price for it in the Marketplace. The user must then pay before being able to download and install your app.</p> + +<p>The advantage of this model is its simplicity, you simply write your app and price it. There are however several disadvantages:</p> + +<ul> + <li>Pricing an app can be a barrier to users downloading it in the first place: + <ul> + <li>Some users will be reluctant to download a paid app because they may find it difficult to judge an app fully based on the store description and screenshots alone: they want to know what they're getting before paying.</li> + <li>Increasingly developers are adopting other monetization models for their apps, so it's likely that users will be able to find a similar app that is available for free.</li> + </ul> + </li> + <li>In those countries where operator billing isn’t available your target users may not have ready access to credit cards. This may mean that few users could purchase your app even if they wanted to.</li> +</ul> + +<h3 id="Try_and_Buy_model">Try and Buy model</h3> + +<p>In this model you make a version of your app available for free and then offer a paid app version with enhanced features, using Marketplace's 'promote as an upgrade' feature. This enables you to retain the simplicity of the premium monetization model, while addressing some of the issues with using the premium model alone.</p> + +<p>There are several approaches you can take to differentiating the free and paid versions of your app, such as:</p> + +<ul> + <li>Including advertising in the free version, then offering a paid version that is ad free.</li> + <li>Offering the free app for a limited time before some or all of its features become unavailable, with the paid app removing any limits. Take care to ensure that the time limit is sufficient for the user to experience most of the apps features. For example, in a time recording app you might want to provide at least a month’s trial, so the user can use any end of month summary features.</li> + <li>Providing limited features in the free version, with no limit on the features in the paid app. In the free app you could disable some features or offer all the features but limit the number of items to be stored or displayed by the app. For example, in a notepad app you might limit the number of notes a user can create, then offer unlimited note creation in the upgrade version.</li> +</ul> + +<p>This approach can overcome the resistance to buying apps, as it allows the user to understand the app’s value before making the purchase. However, it doesn’t overcome any limitations created by the means of payment available in some markets.</p> + +<p>If you choose to use this model, Firefox Marketplace offers the <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Pricing/Promote_as_upgrade_to_free_version">Promote as upgrade to free version</a> option. Using this option you link a paid app to its free version and Firefox Marketplace then provides a link to the paid version from the free one's Marketplace listing, as shown below.</p> + +<p><img alt="The Premium version available notice and link in the listing of a free app on a Firefox OS device." src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/8029/Premium%20version%20available%20%28phone%29.png" style="width: 480px; height: 853px;">.</p> + +<p> </p> + +<h3 id="In-App_Purchases_model">In-App Purchases model</h3> + +<p>In this model you distribute a free version of your app only, but then offer users various additional items from within the app. These in-app purchases fall broadly into two categories:</p> + +<ul> + <li>Durables — items that are permanently available to the user. Examples include unlocking an app at the end of a time or use based trial, adding new app features, adding levels within a game, adding collections of information, removing ads, and such like.</li> + <li>Consumables — items that the user consumes within the app. You could treat almost any item as a consumable, such as offering an app feature on a time or use limited basis, but you can also offer such things as an in-game currency.</li> +</ul> + +<p>This model can often be easiest to implement in games, where additional levels, characters, power ups, and various other game unlocks lend themselves well to separate purchases. But equally an information app could offer a small set of information for free and an expanded or more details set from an in-app purchase.</p> + +<p>One particular benefit of in-app purchases is that it offers the ability to generate a recurring stream of revenue from installed apps. Games are a particularly good example of how this model works. You might offer a free download with 5 levels. Then, when the user has completed those levels, offer an additional 5 levels as an in-app purchase. Then at the end of those levels, offer 5 more for an in-app payment and so on. And as long as each new level pack is as engaging as the last, users will most likely continue to purchase new level packs.</p> + +<p>This model, overcomes the issues associated with any reluctance to download a paid app, but could still be effected by the same disadvantages notably any limitation on payment options.</p> + +<div class="note"> +<p>The in-app payment system in Firefox OS doesn’t yet support periodic subscriptions.</p> +</div> + +<h3 id="Ad_supported">Ad supported</h3> + +<p>In this model you incorporate advertising into your app and generate revenue from ad views and clickthroughs to view the advertised product or service. You will usually offer your app for free when it's ad-supported, but you can include ads in a premium app or in conjunction with in-app purchases, but do this with caution — particularly in premium apps — as users may consider you're 'charging ' them twice. You could also combine this approach with Promote as upgrade: offer the full app with adverts as the 'try' and a premium version without ads as the 'upgrade'. Alternatively you could use an in-app payment to offer a 'remove the ads' feature in the app.</p> + +<p>If you want to take this approach you can use any ad network you wish. There are a number of companies that offer ad services for websites and mobile apps, for example <a href="https://apps.admob.com/">Google AdMob</a> and <a href="http://inner-active.com/">Inneractive</a>.</p> + +<p>This model completely removes the barriers that paid app or in-app purchases have, in that you don’t have to worry about the willingness or ability of users to make payments.</p> + +<h2 id="Choosing_your_model">Choosing your model</h2> + +<p>Finding the right monetization model for your application isn’t an exact science; even simply deciding what price to charge can be a difficult process. The information you gathered while getting to know your users is the best place to start. This should provide you with some insight into their expectations:</p> + +<ul> + <li>Would they download a paid version of the app?</li> + <li>Do they have an interest in buying premium services?</li> + <li>Would they prefer a free app with ads?</li> +</ul> + +<p>This information needs to be combined with that on the available payment methods. This will help you determine if users will be willing and able to purchase apps or in-app products. You also should consider that the Firefox Marketplace will allow you to convert a free app to one users have to pay for, but you cannot make a paid for app free. So, unless you release a second version of the app, once you've chosen a paid model it’s hard to change to a free one.</p> + +<p>If you choose to use a paid or in-app purchase model, you’ll need to assess what your users will tolerate in terms of app price. Here it’s worth investigating what models and prices are being used by your competitors. Even if there is no direct competition, look at similar classes of app and see what they do.</p> + +<p>Even if you want to price your apps, err towards a model that provides users with a free download of some sort — as a paid download, even a low priced one, will be a barrier to many users.</p> + +<p>If you've any doubts about the effectiveness of a model with a paid element, then consider implementing in-app advertising in a free to download app.</p> + +<p>You can also mix the models, for example by using both advertising and in-app purchases. The only combination that should be used with caution is advertising in a paid app, as users may view this combination negatively.</p> + +<p>Bear in mind that there are some apps where you may be practically limited to either free or paid options only. For example games targeted at children may work better as paid apps: parents may look for games without advertising or in-app purchases that they can safely let their children use.</p> + +<p>If you come to no firm conclusions from your research, consider trying these general guidelines when choosing your model:</p> + +<ul> + <li>Use the Premium model for feature-rich apps or apps in specialist niches, also where you've an establish brand that users trust.</li> + <li>Offer a free version of any premium app and promote the premium app as an upgrade.</li> + <li>Use in-app purchases where you've granular or incremental content that can be sold as low priced additions, but beware of the development overhead in implementing each item the user can purchase — start with a few and add more over time.</li> + <li>Use in-app advertising in apps that offer a 'browsing' style interface, where the user is likely to notice ads while looking for and consuming content. It may also be a good option where the market or target audience might be more price sensitive.</li> +</ul> + +<p>You’ll probably have to experiment with different models to find the right one for any particular app. You may also find that you need to use different models for different apps in your portfolio, particularly if the user base varies between those apps. Similarly, variations among markets may mean that you can price your app in one country, but need to use in-app advertising in another — for example, you might be able to position a soccer app as paid in the UK or Brazil, but need to use in-app advertising in a version for the US.</p> + +<h2 id="Also_see">Also see</h2> + +<ul> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Monetization/Profiting_from_your_app">Profiting from your app</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Pricing/Promote_as_upgrade_to_free_version">Promote as upgrade to free version</a></li> +</ul> diff --git a/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/prepare/introduction/index.html b/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/prepare/introduction/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..80a27bbc81 --- /dev/null +++ b/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/prepare/introduction/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +--- +title: Introduction — Prepare for Success +slug: Mozilla/Marketplace/Prepare/Introduction +tags: + - italiano tags +translation_of: Archive/Mozilla/Marketplace/Prepare/Introduction +--- +<div class="summary"> +<p><span class="seoSummary">Learn about the techniques you can use to create quality Firefox Marketplace apps and games people want, and build a worldwide user base of dedicated and loyal fans.</span></p> +</div> + +<p>Creating a successful Open Web App isn't just about great coding for a great open platform. Whether you’re coding for pleasure and the joy of sharing your ideas, or you want to build a business from your coding activities, you’ll want users to download and use your apps.</p> + +<p>This section contains the advice you need to achieve your goals in terms of app downloads, revenue and use.</p> + +<div class="twocolumns"> +<dl> + <dt><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Prepare/Deciding_what_to_build">Deciding what to build</a></dt> + <dd>A great app starts with a great idea. Get guidance on choosing what to build.</dd> + <dt><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Prepare_For_Success/Getting_to_know_your_users">Getting to know your users</a></dt> + <dd>Understanding your users and what they are looking for in your apps is critical to success.</dd> + <dt><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Prepare/Choosing_your_business_model">Choosing your business model</a></dt> + <dd>Discover the business models available to your apps and games, and see how you might use them.</dd> + <dt> </dt> + <dt><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Prepare/Localizing_your_apps">Localizing your apps</a></dt> + <dd>Taking your app to the world means localizing it for users worldwide. Find out about the processes and implications of localizing your app.</dd> + <dt><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Prepare/Promoting_your_app">Promoting your app</a></dt> + <dd>Firefox Marketplace is a great way for users to discover apps, but to achieve the downloads you deserve you’ll need to shout about your app. Find out how to make a noise.</dd> + <dt><a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Prepare/Creating_your_community">Creating your community</a></dt> + <dd>Nurture and grow a vibrant community around your apps and tap into their enthusiasm and expertise.<br> + </dd> +</dl> +</div> + +<p> </p> diff --git a/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/publishing/index.html b/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/publishing/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e2b172a388 --- /dev/null +++ b/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/publishing/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +--- +title: Publishing +slug: Mozilla/Marketplace/Publishing +tags: + - NeedsTranslation + - TopicStub +translation_of: Archive/Mozilla/Marketplace/Publishing/Introduction +--- +<p>Marketplace publishing</p> diff --git a/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/publishing/opzioni_pubblicazione_app/index.html b/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/publishing/opzioni_pubblicazione_app/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ab3302cc6c --- /dev/null +++ b/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/publishing/opzioni_pubblicazione_app/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +--- +title: Autopubblicare un'app +slug: Mozilla/Marketplace/Publishing/opzioni_pubblicazione_app +translation_of: Archive/Mozilla/Marketplace/Options/Self_publishing +--- +<div class="summary"> +<p><span class="seoSummary">In alcune circostanze è preferibile non distribuire un'app attraverso Firefox Marketplace, per esempio nel caso si desideri condividerla soltanto con i membri della propria organizzazione, eseguire un test su una versione beta o semplicemente farne un uso privato. In questa pagina è spiegato come autopubblicare le proprie app al di fuori di Firefox Marketplace.</span></p> +</div> + +<p>Le app open web possono essere installate su Firefox OS e dispositivi dotati di Firefox per Android o Firefox per desktop utilizzando {{ domxref("Apps.install") }} o {{ domxref("DOMApplicationsRegistry.installPackage", "Apps.installPackage") }}. Il ruolo di entrambe le API è trasmettere l'URL del manifesto contenente la descrizione dell'app da installare. Dunque i requisiti di base per autopubblicare un'app sono:</p> + +<ol> + <li>un server dove ospitare il manifesto dell'app,</li> + <li>un server dove ospitare l'app (nel caso di app remota) o l'app stessa compressa in un file zip,</li> + <li>un codice nel sito web che richiami {{ domxref("Apps.install") }} o {{ domxref("DOMApplicationsRegistry.installPackage", "Apps.installPackage") }} a seconda del caso.</li> +</ol> + +<h2 id="Limitazioni">Limitazioni</h2> + +<p>Prima di autopubblicare un'app open web è bene considerare le seguenti limitazioni:</p> + +<ul> + <li>Le app autopubblicate non sono in grado di utilizzare le <a href="/en-US/Apps/Build/App_permissions">API con privilegi</a>. Per usufruire di tali API un'app dev'essere di tipo locale (packaged) e contenuta in un file zip firmato tramite il processo di caricamento dell'app su Firefox Marketplace.</li> + <li>Le app autopubblicate non possono usufruire dei pagamenti in-app di Firefox Marketplace.</li> + <li>È necessario implementare autonomamente una propria strategia di diffusione, in quanto l'app non comparirà negli elenchi di Firefox Marketplace.</li> +</ul> + +<h2 id="App_locali_autopubblicate">App locali autopubblicate</h2> + +<p>È possibile pubblicare un'app locale ospitando il file zip su un server insieme a un mini-manifesto. Il mini-manifesto, utilizzato per identificare l'app durante il processo di installazione, deve essere ospitato nella stessa directory del file zip. Il passo successivo è creare uno script per richiamare {{ domxref("DOMApplicationsRegistry.installPackage", "Apps.installPackage") }} e trasmettergli le informazioni contenute nel mini-manifesto. Ecco il procedimento dettagliato:</p> + +<ol> + <li> + <p>Comprimere i contenuti dell'app in un file zip e rinominarlo <code>package.zip</code>. Questo file deve contenere tutte le risorse dell'app, compreso il <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Apps/Build/Manifest" title="Documentazione sul manifesto">manifesto</a> principale.</p> + + <div class="warning"> + <p><strong>Attenzione</strong>: al momento di creare il file zip, posizionare tutti i contenuti che devono comparire nell'app nella cartella principale, senza sottocartelle. Comprimendo la cartella genitore con all'interno le sottocartelle, il manifesto risulterebbe in una posizione sbagliata, invalidando l'app.</p> + </div> + </li> + <li>Creare un file e nominarlo <code>manifest.webapp</code>, poi aggiungere i contenuti riportati di seguito. Questo file è chiamato mini-manifesto perché consiste in una versione leggermente ridotta del manifesto incluso nel file zip dell'app locale. Viene utilizzato da {{ domxref("DOMApplicationsRegistry.installPackage", "Apps.installPackage") }} per installare l'app. Per informazioni dettagliate sul contenuto del file leggere <a href="#Campi del mini-manifesto">Campi del mini-manifesto</a> di seguito. + <pre class="brush: js">{ + "name": "My sample app", + "package_path" : "<a class="LinkyMobile-ext" href="http://my-server.com/my-app-directory/my-app.zip" title="Linkification: http://my-server.com/my-app-directory/my-app.zip">http://my-server.com/my-app-directory/package.zip</a>", + "version": "1", + "developer": { + "name": "A. Developer", + "url": "<a class="LinkyMobile-ext" href="http://my-server.com" title="Linkification: http://my-server.com">http://my-server.com</a>" + } +}</pre> + </li> + <li>Creare lo script di installazione. Nell'esempio viene utilizzato un semplice file html nominato <code>index.html</code> , ma è possibile anche aggiungere lo script a un pulsante o utilizzare qualsiasi altro metodo appropriato per richiamarlo al sito web. Il codice JavaScript di questa pagina richiama l'API di installazione per le app locali ({{ domxref("DOMApplicationsRegistry.installPackage", "Apps.installPackage") }}), includendo anche dei callback per notificare l'esito dell'installazione. + <pre class="brush: html"><html> + <body> + <p>Packaged app installation page</p> + <script> + // This URL must be a full url. + var manifestUrl = '<a class="LinkyMobile-ext" href="http://my-server.com/my-app-directory/package.manifest" title="Linkification: http://my-server.com/my-app-directory/package.manifest">http://my-server.com/my-app-directory/manifest.webapp</a>'; + var req = navigator.mozApps.installPackage(manifestUrl); + req.onsuccess = function() { + alert(this.result.origin); + }; + req.onerror = function() { + alert(this.error.name); + }; + </script> + </body> +</html></pre> + </li> + <li>Caricare i file su un server o sito web copiando <code>package.zip</code>, <code>manifest.webapp</code> e <code>index.html</code> nella directory desiderata (nel codice di esempio <code>my-app-directory</code>).</li> + <li>Ora è possibile installare l'app su un dispositivo compatibile (come uno smartphone Firefox OS). Aprire il file <code>index.html</code> (nel testo di esempio posizionato al percorso <code> <a class="LinkyMobile-ext" href="http://my-server.com/my-app-directory/package.manifest" title="Linkification: http://my-server.com/my-app-directory/package.manifest">http://my-server.com/my-app-directory/index.html</a></code>). Verrà visualizzata una richiesta di conferma per procedere con l'installazione. Confermando inizierà il processo di installazione. Al termine del processo, lo script della pagina web notificherà l'esito positivo o negativo dell'operazione.</li> +</ol> + +<div class="note"> +<p><strong>Suggerimento</strong>: per eseguire i test su dispositivo è possibile anche ospitare un'app locale su un server locale. Il server web e il dispositivo devono essere sullo stesso network, inoltre il server deve essere abilitato a servire richieste dal network locale. Sarà sufficiente includere il percorso assoluto nel <code>package_path</code> del mini-manifesto, esattamente come viene incluso normalmente (vedi sotto). Se si sta utilizzando una porta non predefinita, includere anche le informazioni della porta (es. <code><a class="LinkyMobile-ext" href="" title="Linkification:"></a></code>).</p> +</div> + +<h3 id="Campi_del_mini-manifesto">Campi del mini-manifesto</h3> + +<p>Gli sviluppatori che scelgono di pubblicare le proprie app con Firefox Marketplace non hanno bisogno di compilare il mini-manifesto, in quanto esso viene generato automaticamente dal Marketplace, estrapolando le informazioni necessarie dal manifesto dell'app incluso nel file zip. I dettagli sui contenuti del manifesto principale si trovano nell'articolo <a href="/en-US/Apps/Build/Manifest">App manifest</a>.</p> + +<p>Gli sviluppatori che desiderano autopubblicare un'app devono invece compilare il mini-manifesto. Il metodo più sicuro per ottenere un mini-manifesto è fare una copia del manifesto principale e modificare le parti necessarie. Lavorare su una copia garantisce il rispetto del primo requisito di un mini-manifesto, ovvero che i campi <strong><code>name</code>, <code>version</code>, <code>developer</code> e <code>locales</code> siano esattamente uguali a quelli del manifesto principale</strong>. Occorre poi aggiungere i campi esclusivi del mini-manifesto: <code>package_path</code>, <code>release_notes</code> e <code>size</code>.</p> + +<dl> + <dt><code>package_path</code> (obbligatorio)</dt> + <dd>Il percorso assoluto (ovvero l'url completo, ad esempio <code><a class="LinkyMobile-ext" href="http://my-server.com/my-app-directory/package.manifest" title="Linkification: http://my-server.com/my-app-directory/package.manifest">http://my-server.com/my-app-directory/manifest.webapp</a></code>) della posizione in cui è stato archiviato il file zip dell'app.</dd> + <dt><code>release_notes</code> (facoltativo)</dt> + <dd>Informazioni sulla versione corrente dell'app. Su Firefox Marketplace queste informazioni vengono fornite durante il processo di caricamento.</dd> +</dl> + +<dl> + <dt><code>size</code> (facoltativo)</dt> + <dd>Le dimensioni del file zip espresse in byte. Questa informazione viene utilizzata da {{ domxref("DOMApplicationsRegistry.installPackage", "Apps.installPackage") }} per mostrare l'avanzamento del processo di installazione.</dd> +</dl> + +<p>Esempio:</p> + +<pre class="brush: js">{ + "name": "My app", + "package_path": "<a class="LinkyMobile-ext" href="http://thisdomaindoesnotexist.org/myapp.zip" title="Linkification: http://thisdomaindoesnotexist.org/myapp.zip">http://thisdomaindoesnotexist.org/myapp.zip</a>", + "version": "1.0", + "size": 172496, + "release_notes": "First release", + "developer": { + "name": "Developer Name", + "url": "<a class="LinkyMobile-ext" href="http://thisdomaindoesnotexist.org/" title="Linkification: http://thisdomaindoesnotexist.org/">http://thisdomaindoesnotexist.org/</a>" + }, + "locales": { + "fr-FR": { + "name": "Mon application" + }, + "se-SE": { + "name": "Min balla app" + } + }, + "icons": { + "16": "/icons/16.png", + "32": "/icons/32.png", + "256": "/icons/256.png" + } +} +</pre> + +<p>Gli altri campi presenti nell'esempio sono:</p> + +<dl> + <dt><code>name</code> (obbligatorio)</dt> + <dd>Il nome dell'app. Lunghezza massima 128 caratteri.</dd> + <dt><code>version</code> (facoltativo)</dt> + <dd>La versione dell'app.</dd> + <dt><code>developer</code> (facoltativo)</dt> + <dd>Informazioni sullo sviluppatore, contiene i campi <code>name</code> e <code>url</code>. Le informazioni sullo sviluppatore presenti nel manifesto principale e nel mini-manifesto devono coincidere.</dd> + <dt><code>locales</code> (facoltativo)</dt> + <dd>Informazioni sulla localizzazione. I codici del locale devono essere espressi nel formato <code>xx-YY</code>.</dd> + <dt><code>icons</code> (facoltativo)</dt> + <dd>Le icone in uso dell'app.</dd> +</dl> + +<p>Per informazioni più dettagliate sui contenuti dei manifesti leggere <a href="/en-US/Apps/Build/Manifest" title="Documentazione sul manifesto">App manifest</a>.</p> + +<h2 id="App_remote_autopubblicate">App remote autopubblicate</h2> + +<p>Rispetto a quello per le app locali, il processo di autopubblicazione di un'app remota (hosted) è più diretto: basta creare i contenuti con lo stesso metodo utilizzato per la pubblicazione su Firefox Marketplace. In pratica occorre creare il <a href="/en-US/Apps/Build/Manifest" title="Documentazione sul manifesto">file manifest</a> dell'app. In seguito si aggiunge il codice per richiamare {{ domxref("Apps.install") }}. Il codice è essenzialmente lo stesso che si utilizza per le app locali, mostrato precedentemente, con la sola differenza che è anche possibile utilizzare un riferimento relativo alla posizione del file manifest.</p> + +<h2 id="Vedi_anche">Vedi anche</h2> + +<ul> + <li><a href="/en-US/Apps/Build/JavaScript_API">App Installation and Management APIs</a></li> + <li>{{ domxref("Apps.install") }}</li> + <li>{{ domxref("DOMApplicationsRegistry.installPackage", "Apps.installPackage") }}</li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Apps/Build/Manifest" title="Documentazione sul manifesto">App manifest</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/Apps/Build/App_permissions">App permissions</a></li> +</ul> diff --git a/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/publishing/submit/index.html b/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/publishing/submit/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..265a1ad776 --- /dev/null +++ b/files/it/mozilla/marketplace/publishing/submit/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +--- +title: Submit +slug: Mozilla/Marketplace/Publishing/Submit +tags: + - NeedsTranslation + - TopicStub +translation_of: Archive/Mozilla/Marketplace/Publishing/Submit +--- +<p>This section describes the process for submitting an app to Firefox Marketplace</p> +<p>Residual details: <a href="/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Submit/Submitting_an_app">https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Marketplace/Publishing/Submit/Submitting_an_app</a></p> |