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diff --git a/files/pt-pt/learn/javascript/client-side_web_apis/manipulating_documents/index.html b/files/pt-pt/learn/javascript/client-side_web_apis/manipulating_documents/index.html deleted file mode 100644 index c45af40a6a..0000000000 --- a/files/pt-pt/learn/javascript/client-side_web_apis/manipulating_documents/index.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,161 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: JavaScript -slug: Learn/JavaScript/Client-side_web_APIs/Manipulating_documents -tags: - - CSS:Como_começar -translation_of: Learn/JavaScript/Client-side_web_APIs/Manipulating_documents -translation_of_original: Web/Guide/CSS/Getting_started/JavaScript -original_slug: Web/CSS/Como_começar/JavaScript ---- -<p>{{ PreviousNext("CSS:Como começar:Mídia", "CSS:Como começar:XBL bindings") }}</p> - -<p>Esta é a Parte II do tutorial. A Parte II contém alguns exemplos que mostram o escopo do CSS no Mozilla.</p> - -<p>Cada página na Parte II ilustra como o CSS interage com algumas outras tecnologias. Estas páginas não são desenhadas para ensinar como usar estas outras tecnologias. Vá para outros tutorias para aprender isto em detalhes.</p> - -<p>Em vez disso, estas páginas são desenhadas para ilustrar os muitos usos do CSS. Para usar estas páginas, você deve ter um conhecimento em CSS, mas você não precisa qualquer conhecimento em outras tecnologias.</p> - -<h2 id="Informa.C3.A7.C3.A3o:_JavaScript" name="Informa.C3.A7.C3.A3o:_JavaScript">Informação: JavaScript</h2> - -<p>JavaScript é uma <em>linguagem de programação</em>. Quando você usa alguma aplicação Mozilla (por exemplo, seu naverador Mozilla) muito do código que o seu computador roda é escrito em JavaScript.</p> - -<p>JavaScript pode interagir com folhas de estilo, permitindo a você escrever programas que mudem o estilo do documento dinamicamente.</p> - -<p>Existem três maneiras para fazer isto:</p> - -<ul> - <li>Trabalhando com uma lista de folhas de estilo no documento — por exemplo: adicionando, removendo ou modificando uma folha de estilo.</li> - <li>Trabalhando com as regras de uma folha de estilo — por exemplo: adicionando, removendo ou modificando uma regra.</li> - <li>Trabalhando com um elemento individual no DOM — modificando seu estilo independentemente da folha de estilo do seu documento.</li> -</ul> - -<table style="border: 1px solid #36b; padding: 1em; background-color: #f4f4f4; margin-bottom: 1em; width: 100%;"> - <caption>Mais detalhes</caption> - <tbody> - <tr> - <td>Para mais informações sobre JavaScript no Mozilla, veja a página <a href="/pt/JavaScript" title="pt/JavaScript">JavaScript</a> neste wiki.</td> - </tr> - </tbody> -</table> - -<h2 id="A.C3.A7.C3.A3o:_Uma_demonstra.C3.A7.C3.A3o_de_JavaScript" name="A.C3.A7.C3.A3o:_Uma_demonstra.C3.A7.C3.A3o_de_JavaScript">Ação: Uma demonstração de JavaScript</h2> - -<p>Criei um novo documento HTML, <code>doc5.html</code>. Copie e cole o conteúdo daqui, tendo certeza de ter rolado a tela e pego tudo isto:</p> - -<div style="width: 48em; height: 12em; overflow: auto;"> -<pre><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN"> -<HTML> - -<HEAD> -<TITLE>Como Começar Mozilla CSS - Demonstração JavaScript</TITLE> -<LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style5.css"> -<SCRIPT type="text/javascript" src="script5.js"></SCRIPT> -</HEAD> - -<BODY> -<H1>JavaScript de amostra</H1> - -<DIV id="square"></DIV> - -<BUTTON type="button" onclick="doDemo(this);">Clique Aqui</BUTTON> - -</BODY> -</HTML> -</pre> -</div> - -<p>Crie um novo arquivo CSS, <code>style5.css</code>. Copie e cole o conteúdo daqui:</p> - -<div style="width: 48em;"> -<pre>/*** Demonstração JavaScript ***/ -#square { - width: 20em; - height: 20em; - border: 2px inset gray; - margin-bottom: 1em; - } - -button { - padding: .5em 2em; - } -</pre> -</div> - -<p>Crie um novo arquivo de texo, <code>script5.js</code>. Copie e cole o conteúdo daqui:</p> - -<div style="width: 48em;"> -<pre>// Demonstração JavaScript -function doDemo (button) { - var square = document.getElementById("square") - square.style.backgroundColor = "#fa4" - button.setAttribute("disabled", "true") - setTimeout(clearDemo, 2000, button) - } - -function clearDemo (button) { - var square = document.getElementById("square") - square.style.backgroundColor = "transparent" - button.removeAttribute("disabled") - } -</pre> -</div> - -<p>Abra o documento no seu navegador e pressione o botão.</p> - -<p>Este wiki não suporta o JavaScript nas páginas, então não é possível mostrar a demonstração aqui. Deve se parecer como isto, antes e depois de você pressionar o botão:</p> - -<table> - <tbody> - <tr> - <td style="padding-right: 2em;"> - <table style="border: 2px outset #36b; padding: 0 1em .5em .5em;"> - <tbody> - <tr> - <td> - <p><strong>Demonstração JavaScript</strong></p> - </td> - </tr> - </tbody> - </table> - </td> - <td> - <table style="border: 2px outset #36b; padding: 0 1em .5em .5em;"> - <tbody> - <tr> - <td> - <p><strong>Demonstração JavaScript</strong></p> - </td> - </tr> - </tbody> - </table> - </td> - </tr> - </tbody> -</table> - -<p>Notas sobre esta demonstração:</p> - -<ul> - <li>O documento HTML é ligado à folha de estilo normalmente, e também é ligado ao script.</li> - <li>O script trabalha com elementos individuais no DOM. Isto modifica o estilo dos quadrados diretamente, porém, modifica o estilo do botão indiretamente mudando um atributo.</li> - <li>Em JavaScript, <code>document.getElementById("square")</code> é similar em função ao seletor CSS <code>#square</code>.</li> - <li>Em JavaScript, <code>backgroundColor</code> corresponde à propriedade <code>background-color</code> do CSS.</li> - <li>Seu navegador tem uma regra construída das CSS para <code>button{{ mediawiki.external('disabled=\"true\"') }}</code> que muda a aparência do botão quando ele está desabilitado.</li> -</ul> - -<table style="border: 1px solid #36b; padding: 1em; background-color: #fffff4; margin-bottom: .5em;"> - <caption>Desafio</caption> - <tbody> - <tr> - <td>Mude o script de modo que o quadrado salte para a direita em 20 em quando sua cor mudar, e salte para trás mais tarde.</td> - </tr> - </tbody> -</table> - -<h3 id="O_que_vem_depois.3F" name="O_que_vem_depois.3F">O que vem depois?</h3> - -<p>Se você teve dificuldade para entender esta página, ou se você tem algum comentário sobre ela, por favor contribua nesta página de <a href="/Talk:pt/CSS/Como_come%C3%A7ar/JavaScript" title="Talk:pt/CSS/Como_começar/JavaScript">Discussão</a>.</p> - -<p>Nesta demonstração, o documento HTML linka o script mesmo que somente o elemento button use o script. Mozilla extende o CSS para que possa ser ligado ao código JavaScript (e também conteúdo e outras folhas de estilo) para elementos selecionados. A próxima página demonstra isto: <strong><a href="/pt/CSS/Como_come%C3%A7ar/XBL_bindings" title="pt/CSS/Como_começar/XBL_bindings">XBL bindings</a></strong></p> - -<p>{{ PreviousNext("CSS:Como começar:Mídia", "CSS:Como começar:XBL bindings") }}</p> diff --git a/files/pt-pt/learn/javascript/first_steps/index.html b/files/pt-pt/learn/javascript/first_steps/index.html deleted file mode 100644 index 686bc9d07d..0000000000 --- a/files/pt-pt/learn/javascript/first_steps/index.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,144 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: JavaScript - Os Primeiros Passos -slug: Learn/JavaScript/First_steps -tags: - - Artigo - - Avaliação - - Guía - - JavaScript - - Numeros - - Operadores - - Principiante - - Variáveis - - l10n:priority - - modulo - - strings -translation_of: Learn/JavaScript/First_steps -original_slug: Learn/JavaScript/Primeiros_passos ---- -<div>{{LearnSidebar}}</div> - -<p class="summary">In our first JavaScript module, we first answer some fundamental questions such as "what is JavaScript?", "what does it look like?", and "what can it do?", before moving on to taking you through your first practical experience of writing JavaScript. After that, we discuss some key building blocks in detail, such as variables, strings, numbers and arrays.</p> - -<h2 id="Pré-requisitos">Pré-requisitos</h2> - -<p>Before starting this module, you don't need any previous JavaScript knowledge, but you should have some familiarity with HTML and CSS. You are advised to work through the following modules before starting on JavaScript:</p> - -<ul> - <li><a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Getting_started_with_the_web">Getting started with the Web</a> (which includes a really <a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/Getting_started_with_the_web/JavaScript_basics">basic JavaScript introduction</a>).</li> - <li><a href="/pt-PT/docs/Learn/HTML/Introducao_ao_HTML">Introdução ao HTML</a>.</li> - <li><a href="/pt-PT/docs/Learn/CSS/Introduction_to_CSS">Introdução ao CSS</a>.</li> -</ul> - -<div class="note"> -<p><strong>Nota</strong>: If you are working on a computer/tablet/other device where you don't have the ability to create your own files, you could try out (most of) the code examples in an online coding program such as <a href="http://jsbin.com/">JSBin</a> or <a href="https://thimble.mozilla.org/">Thimble</a>.</p> -</div> - -<h2 id="Guias">Guias</h2> - -<dl> - <dt><a href="/pt-PT/docs/Learn/JavaScript/First_steps/O_que_e_JavaScript">O que é o JavaScript?</a></dt> - <dd>Welcome to the MDN beginner's JavaScript course! In this first article we will look at JavaScript from a high level, answering questions such as "what is it?", and "what is it doing?", and making sure you are comfortable with JavaScript's purpose.</dd> - <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/First_steps/A_first_splash">A first splash into JavaScript</a></dt> - <dd>Now you've learned something about the theory of JavaScript, and what you can do with it, we are going to give you a crash course in the basic features of JavaScript via a completely practical tutorial. Here you'll build up a simple "Guess the number" game, step by step.</dd> - <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/First_steps/What_went_wrong">What went wrong? Troubleshooting JavaScript</a></dt> - <dd>When you built up the "Guess the number" game in the previous article, you may have found that it didn't work. Never fear — this article aims to save you from tearing your hair out over such problems by providing you with some simple tips on how to find and fix errors in JavaScript programs.</dd> - <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/First_steps/Variables">Storing the information you need — Variables</a></dt> - <dd>After reading the last couple of articles you should now know what JavaScript is, what it can do for you, how you use it alongside other web technologies, and what its main features look like from a high level. In this article we will get down to the real basics, looking at how to work with most basic building blocks of JavaScript — Variables.</dd> - <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/First_steps/Math">Basic math in JavaScript — numbers and operators</a></dt> - <dd>At this point in the course we discuss maths in JavaScript — how we can combine operators and other features to successfully manipulate numbers to do our bidding.</dd> - <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/First_steps/Strings">Handling text — strings in JavaScript</a></dt> - <dd>Next we'll turn our attention to strings — this is what pieces of text are called in programming. In this article we'll look at all the common things that you really ought to know about strings when learning JavaScript, such as creating strings, escaping quotes in string, and joining them together.</dd> - <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/First_steps/Useful_string_methods">Useful string methods</a></dt> - <dd>Now we've looked at the very basics of strings, let's move up a gear and start thinking about what useful operations we can do on strings with built-in methods, such as finding the length of a text string, joining and splitting strings, substituting one character in a string for another, and more.</dd> - <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/First_steps/Arrays">Arrays</a></dt> - <dd>In the final article of this module, we'll look at arrays — a neat way of storing a list of data items under a single variable name. Here we look at why this is useful, then explore how to create an array, retrieve, add, and remove items stored in an array, and more besides.</dd> -</dl> - -<h2 id="Avaliações">Avaliações</h2> - -<p>The following assessment will test your understanding of the JavaScript basics covered in the guides above.</p> - -<dl> - <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/First_steps/Silly_story_generator">Silly story generator</a></dt> - <dd>In this assessment you'll be tasked with taking some of the knowledge you've picked up in this module's articles and applying it to creating a fun app that generates random silly stories. Have fun!</dd> -</dl> - -<div id="SL_balloon_obj" style="display: block;"> -<div class="SL_ImTranslatorLogo" id="SL_button" style="background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) repeat scroll 0% 0%; opacity: 0; display: none; left: -8px; top: -25px; transition: visibility 2s ease 0s, opacity 2s linear 0s;"> </div> - -<div id="SL_shadow_translation_result2" class="hidden"> </div> - -<div id="SL_shadow_translator" class="hidden"> -<div id="SL_planshet"> -<div id="SL_arrow_up" style="background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) repeat scroll 0% 0%;"> </div> - -<div id="SL_Bproviders"> -<div class="SL_BL_LABLE_ON" id="SL_P0" title="Google">G</div> - -<div class="SL_BL_LABLE_ON" id="SL_P1" title="Microsoft">M</div> - -<div class="SL_BL_LABLE_ON" id="SL_P2" title="Translator">T</div> -</div> - -<div id="SL_alert_bbl" class="hidden"> -<div id="SLHKclose" style="background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) repeat scroll 0% 0%;"> </div> - -<div id="SL_alert_cont"> </div> -</div> - -<div id="SL_TB"> -<table id="SL_tables"> - <tbody><tr> - <td class="SL_td"><input></td> - 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- CodingScripting - - JavaScript - - Landing - - Principiante - - Tópico - - 'l10n:priority' - - modulo -translation_of: Learn/JavaScript ---- -<div>{{LearnSidebar}}</div> - -<p class="summary">{{Glossary("JavaScript")}} is a programming language that allows you to implement complex things on web pages. Every time a web page does more than just sit there and display static information for you to look at — displaying timely content updates, or interactive maps, or animated 2D/3D graphics, or scrolling video jukeboxes, and so on — you can bet that JavaScript is probably involved.</p> - -<h2 id="Caminho_de_aprendizagem">Caminho de aprendizagem</h2> - -<p>JavaScript is arguably more difficult to learn than related technologies such as <a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/HTML">HTML</a> and <a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS">CSS</a>. Before attempting to learn JavaScript, you are strongly advised to get familiar with at least these two technologies first, and perhaps others as well. Start by working through the following modules:</p> - -<ul> - <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/Getting_started_with_the_web">Getting started with the Web</a></li> - <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/HTML/Introduction">Introduction to HTML</a></li> - <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS/Introduction_to_CSS">Introduction to CSS</a></li> -</ul> - -<p>Having previous experience with other programming languages might also help.</p> - -<p>After getting familiar with the basics of JavaScript, you should be in a position to learn about more advanced topics, for example:</p> - -<ul> - <li>JavaScript in depth, as taught in our <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide">JavaScript guide</a></li> - <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API">Web APIs</a></li> -</ul> - -<h2 id="Módulos">Módulos</h2> - -<p>This topic contains the following modules, in a suggested order for working through them.</p> - -<dl> - <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/First_steps">JavaScript first steps</a></dt> - <dd>In our first JavaScript module, we first answer some fundamental questions such as "what is JavaScript?", "what does it look like?", and "what can it do?", before moving on to taking you through your first practical experience of writing JavaScript. After that, we discuss some key JavaScript features in detail, such as variables, strings, numbers and arrays.</dd> - <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/Building_blocks">JavaScript building blocks</a></dt> - <dd>In this module, we continue our coverage of all JavaScript's key fundamental features, turning our attention to commonly-encountered types of code block such as conditional statements, loops, functions, and events. You've seen this stuff already in the course, but only in passing — here we'll discuss it all explicitly.</dd> - <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/Objects">Introducing JavaScript objects</a></dt> - <dd>In JavaScript, most things are objects, from core JavaScript features like strings and arrays to the browser APIs built on top of JavaScript. You can even create your own objects to encapsulate related functions and variables into efficient packages. The object-oriented nature of JavaScript is important to understand if you want to go further with your knowledge of the language and write more efficient code, therefore we've provided this module to help you. Here we teach object theory and syntax in detail, look at how to create your own objects, and explain what JSON data is and how to work with it.</dd> - <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/Client-side_web_APIs">Client-side web APIs</a></dt> - <dd>When writing client-side JavaScript for web sites or applications, you won't go very far before you start to use APIs — interfaces for manipulating different aspects of the browser and operating system the site is running on, or even data from other web sites or services. In this module we will explore what APIs are, and how to use some of the most common APIs you'll come across often in your development work. </dd> -</dl> - -<h2 id="Resolver_problemas_comuns_de_JavaScript">Resolver problemas comuns de JavaScript</h2> - -<p><a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/Howto">Use JavaScript to solve common problems</a> provides links to sections of content explaining how to use JavaScript to solve very common problems when creating a webpage.</p> - -<h2 id="Consulte_também">Consulte também:</h2> - -<dl> - <dt><a href="/pt-PT/docs/Web/JavaScript">JavaScript on MDN</a></dt> - <dd>The main entry point for core JavaScript documentation on MDN — this is where you'll find extensive reference docs on all aspects of the JavaScript language, and some advanced tutorials aimed at experienced JavaScripters.</dd> - <dt><a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/codingmath">Coding math</a></dt> - <dd>An excellent series of video tutorials to teach the math you need to understand to be an effective programmer, by <a href="https://twitter.com/bit101">Keith Peters</a>.</dd> -</dl> |