path: root/installer
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'installer')
2 files changed, 63 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/installer/install-clangd.cmd b/installer/install-clangd.cmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3079de1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/installer/install-clangd.cmd
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+@echo off
+cd /d %~dp0
+set installer_dir=%cd%
+set server_dir=..\servers\clangd
+if exist %server_dir% rd /Q /S "%server_dir%"
+md "%server_dir%"
+cd /d "%server_dir%"
+echo Downloading clang and LLVM...
+curl -L -o LLVM-9.0.0-win64.exe "http://releases.llvm.org/9.0.0/LLVM-9.0.0-win64.exe"
+echo Running setup...
+REM Run setup as regular user to avoid a UAC popup
+md tmp
+LLVM-9.0.0-win64.exe /S /D=%cd%\tmp
+copy tmp\bin\clangd.exe clangd.exe
+del LLVM-9.0.0-win64.exe
+rd /Q /S %cd%\tmp
+.\clangd.exe --version
diff --git a/installer/install-clangd.sh b/installer/install-clangd.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..75db8c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/installer/install-clangd.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+set -e
+cd $(dirname $0)
+[ -d $server_dir ] && rm -rf $server_dir
+mkdir $server_dir && cd $server_dir
+os=$(uname -s | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")
+case $os in
+ linux)
+ platform="pc-linux-gnu"
+ ;;
+ darwin)
+ platform="darwin-apple"
+ ;;
+# Check Ubuntu version
+ubuntu_version=$(lsb_release -a 2>&1 | grep 'Release' | awk '{print $2}')
+case $ubuntu_version in
+ 14.04|16.04|18.04)
+ platform="linux-gnu-ubuntu-$ubuntu_version"
+ ;;
+echo "Downloading clangd and LLVM..."
+curl -LO "$url"
+echo "Extracting archive..."
+tar xf $filename.tar.xz --strip-components=1 $filename/
+rm $filename.tar.xz
+ln -sf bin/clangd
+./clangd --version