path: root/files/ko/web/api/rtcsessiondescription/index.html
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authorPeter Bengtsson <mail@peterbe.com>2020-12-08 14:42:17 -0500
committerPeter Bengtsson <mail@peterbe.com>2020-12-08 14:42:17 -0500
commitda78a9e329e272dedb2400b79a3bdeebff387d47 (patch)
treee6ef8aa7c43556f55ddfe031a01cf0a8fa271bfe /files/ko/web/api/rtcsessiondescription/index.html
parent1109132f09d75da9a28b649c7677bb6ce07c40c0 (diff)
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'files/ko/web/api/rtcsessiondescription/index.html')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000000..927204c7da
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+title: RTCSessionDescription
+slug: Web/API/RTCSessionDescription
+ - API
+ - Audio
+ - Experimental
+ - Interface
+ - Media
+ - NeedsTranslation
+ - Reference
+ - TopicStub
+ - Video
+ - Web
+ - WebRTC
+translation_of: Web/API/RTCSessionDescription
+<p>The <strong><code>RTCSessionDescription</code></strong> interface describes one end of a connection—or potential connection—and how it's configured. Each <code>RTCSessionDescription</code> consists of a description {{domxref("RTCSessionDescription.type", "type")}} indicating which part of the offer/answer negotiation process it describes and of the {{Glossary("SDP")}} descriptor of the session.</p>
+<p>The process of negotiating a connection between two peers involves exchanging <code>RTCSessionDescription</code> objects back and forth, with each description suggesting one combination of connection configuration options that the sender of the description supports. Once the two peers agree upon a configuration for the connection, negotiation is complete.</p>
+<h2 id="Properties">Properties</h2>
+<p><em>The <code>RTCSessionDescription</code> interface doesn't inherit any properties.</em></p>
+ <dt>{{domxref("RTCSessionDescription.type")}} {{ReadOnlyInline}}</dt>
+ <dd>An enum of type <code>{{anch("RTCSdpType")}}</code> describing the session description's type.</dd>
+ <dt>{{domxref("RTCSessionDescription.sdp")}} {{ReadOnlyInline}}</dt>
+ <dd>A {{domxref("DOMString")}} containing the {{Glossary("SDP")}} describing the session.</dd>
+<h2 id="Constants">Constants</h2>
+<h3 id="RTCSdpType">RTCSdpType</h3>
+<p>This enum defines strings that describe the current state of the session description, as used in the {{domxref("RTCSessionDescription.type", "type")}} property. The session description's type will be specified using one of these values.</p>
+<table class="standard-table">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="col">Value</th>
+ <th scope="col">Description</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>answer</code></td>
+ <td>The SDP contained in the {{domxref("RTCSessionDescription.sdp", "sdp")}} property is the definitive choice in the exchange. In other words, this session description describes the agreed-upon configuration, and is being sent to finalize negotiation.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>offer</code></td>
+ <td>The session description object describes the initial proposal in an offer/answer exchange. The session negotiation process begins with an offer being sent from the caller to the callee.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>pranswer</code></td>
+ <td>The session description object describes a provisional answer; that is, a response to a previous offer that is not the final answer. It is usually employed by legacy hardware.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>rollback</code></td>
+ <td>This special type with an empty session description is used to roll back to the previous stable state.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<h2 id="Methods">Methods</h2>
+<p><em>The <code>RTCSessionDescription</code> doesn't inherit any methods.</em></p>
+ <dt>{{domxref("RTCSessionDescription.RTCSessionDescription", "RTCSessionDescription()")}} {{deprecated_inline}}</dt>
+ <dd>This constructor returns a new <code>RTCSessionDescription</code>. The parameter is a <code>RTCSessionDescriptionInit</code> dictionary containing the values to assign the two properties.</dd>
+ <dt>{{domxref("RTCSessionDescription.toJSON()")}}</dt>
+ <dd>Returns a {{Glossary("JSON")}} description of the object. The values of both properties, {{domxref("RTCSessionDescription.type", "type")}} and {{domxref("RTCSessionDescription.sdp", "sdp")}}, are contained in the generated JSON.</dd>
+<h2 id="Example">Example<span id="cke_bm_72C" style="display: none;"> </span></h2>
+<pre class="brush: js">signalingChannel.onmessage = function (evt) {
+ if (!pc)
+ start(false);
+ var message = JSON.parse(evt.data);
+ if (message.sdp)
+ pc.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(message), function () {
+ // if we received an offer, we need to answer
+ if (pc.remoteDescription.type == "offer")
+ pc.createAnswer(localDescCreated, logError);
+ }, logError);
+ else
+ pc.addIceCandidate(new RTCIceCandidate(message.candidate),
+ function () {}, logError);
+<h2 id="Specifications">Specifications</h2>
+<table class="standard-table">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="col">Specification</th>
+ <th scope="col">Status</th>
+ <th scope="col">Comment</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{{ SpecName('WebRTC 1.0', '#rtcsessiondescription-class', 'RTCSessionDescription') }}</td>
+ <td>{{Spec2('WebRTC 1.0')}}</td>
+ <td>Initial definition.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<h2 id="Browser_compatibility">Browser compatibility</h2>
+<h2 id="See_also">See also</h2>
+ <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/API/WebRTC" title="/en-US/docs/CSS/Using_CSS_animations">WebRTC</a></li>
+ <li>{{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.setLocalDescription()")}} and {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.setRemoteDescription()")}}</li>